During recent decades, global warming has intensified, altering crop growth, development and survival. To overcome changes in their environment, plants undergo transcriptional reprogramming to activate stress response strategies/pathways. To evaluate the genetic bases of the response to heat stress, Conserved DNA-derived Polymorphism (CDDP) markers were applied across tomato genome of eight cultivars. Despite scattered genotypes, cluster analysis allowed two neighbouring panels to be discriminate. Tomato CDDP-genotypic and visual phenotypic assortment permitted the selection of two contrasting heat-tolerant and heat-sensitive cultivars. Further analysis explored differential expression in transcript levels of genes, encoding heat shock transcription factors (HSFs, HsfA1, HsfA2, HsfB1), members of the heat shock protein (HSP) family (HSP101, HSP17, HSP90) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) enzymes (APX1, APX2). Based on discriminating CDDP-markers, a protein functional network was built allowing prediction of candidate genes and their regulating miRNA. Expression patterns analysis revealed that miR156d and miR397 were heat-responsive showing a typical inverse relation with the abundance of their target gene transcripts. Heat stress is inducing a set of candidate genes, whose expression seems to be modulated through a complex regulatory network. Integrating genetic resource data is required for identifying valuable tomato genotypes that can be considered in marker-assisted breeding programmes to improve tomato heat tolerance.