In an environment seriously impaired by human interference (draining the reservoir), ecological relationships in a community of copepods and their impact on the transmission of the tapeworm Proteocephalus neglectus La Rue. 1911 were studied. The impairment of the environment resulted in changes in the species composition of the copepod community and in the increased diversity of the copepod species, as well as in a multiple inversion of the dominant and subdominant relationships of the two most numerous copepod species (Cyclops vicinus and Eudiaptomus zachariasi). The structure of the developmental stages of the copepod community, the seasonal dynamics of the number of copepods and the abundance of P. neglectus procercoids have changed. The predominant species in the copepod community and the most susceptible intermediate host of P. neglectus (C. vicinus) was not infected. The infection of copepods decreased by 95% and that of the definitive hosts (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by 97·5% compared with the index values recorded in the previous year.