The information given here is provided by the IMA Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification for comparative purposes and as a service to mineralogists working on new species.
Each mineral is described in the following format:
Mineral name, if the authors agree on its release prior to the full description appearing in press
Chemical formula (ideal formula)
Mineral symbol
Type locality
Full authorship of proposal
E-mail address of corresponding author
Relationship to other minerals
Crystal system, Space group; Structure determined, yes or no
Unit-cell parameters
Strongest lines in the powder X-ray diffraction pattern
Type specimen repository and specimen number
Citation details for the mineral prior to publication of full description
Citation details concern the fact that this information will be published in the Mineralogical Magazine on a routine basis, as well as being added month by month to the Commission's web site.
It is still a requirement for the authors to publish a full description of the new mineral.
IMA No. 2021-055
Sisim placer zone, Krasnoyarskiy kray, central Siberia, southwestern Eastern Sayans, Russia (54°44′58″ N, 93°09′08″ E)
Andrei Y. Barkov*, Nadezhda D. Tolstykh, Nobumichi Tamura, Robert F. Martin, Andrew M. McDonald and Louis J. Cabri
The Fe analogue of torryweiserite
Trigonal: R $\overline 3$
a = 7.069(2), c = 34.286(11) Å
5.765(39), 5.714(61), 3.049(39), 2.795(100), 2.596(38), 1.767(44), 1.524(9), 1.503(35)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Central Siberian Geological Museum, Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Akademik Koptyug Avenue, no. 3, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia, catalogue number III-102/3
How to cite: Barkov, A.Y., Tolstykh, N.D., Tamura, N., Martin, R.F., McDonald, A.M. and Cabri, L.J. (2021) Ferrotorryweiserite, IMA 2021-055. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-060
McDermitt open-pit mine, eastern margin of the McDermitt Caldera, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA (41°55′11.5″ N, 117°48′45.8″ W)
Mark A. Cooper, Gail E. Dunning, Frank C. Hawthorne*, Chi Ma, Anthony R. Kampf, John Spratt, Christopher J. Stanley and Andrew G. Christy
New structure type
Monoclinic: P21/n; structure determined
a = 10.164(5), b = 10.490(4), c = 6.547(3) Å, β = 90.04(1)°
5.49(34), 4.65(32), 2.989(81), 2.884(100), 2.673(79), 2.300(30), 2.045(30), 1.744(40)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue number 76196 (holotype) and 76197 (cotype)
How to cite: Cooper, M.A., Dunning, G.E., Hawthorne, F.C., Ma, C., Kampf, A.R., Spratt, J., Stanley, C.J. and Christy, A.G. (2021) Mikecoxite, IMA 2021-060. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-066
Swambo deposit, 36 km west of Shinkolobwe, near Mindigi mine, Kambove District, Haut-Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo (11°05′43″ S, 26°13′23″ E)
Jakub Plášil*, Anthony R. Kampf, Radek Škoda, Simon Philippo, Mael Guennou and Florias Mees
The Nd analogue of lepersonnite-(Gd)
Orthorhombic: Pnnm or Pnn2
a = 16.13(1), b = 38.91(3), c = 11.765(6) Å
8.16(100), 3.66(57), 3.20(33), 3.11(21), 3.01(21), 2.86(22), 1.956(20), 1.902(23)
Cotype material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, 25 rue Münster, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg, specimen no. WPV020, and the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium, specimen no. RGM11529.1
How to cite: Plášil, J., Kampf, A.R., Škoda, R., Philippo, S., Guennou, M. and Mees, F. (2021) Lepersonnite-(Nd), IMA 2021-066. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-067
Arsenatnaya fumarole, Second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka peninsula, Far-Eastern Region, Russia (55°41′ N, 160°14′ E, 1200 m a.s.l.)
Natalia N. Koshlyakova*, Igor V. Pekov, Marina F. Vigasina, Natalia V. Zubkova, Atali A. Agakhanov, Sergey N. Britvin, Evgeny G. Sidorov and Dmitry Y. Pushcharovsky
The V analogue of tilasite
Monoclinic: C2/c; structure determined
a = 6.6912(7), b = 8.9395(7), c = 7.0587(8) Å, β = 113.08(1)°
3.686(26), 3.250(66), 3.082(100), 2.854(34), 2.683(33), 2.631(44), 2.531(25), 1.749(25)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5734/1
How to cite: Koshlyakova, N.N., Pekov, I.V., Vigasina, M.F., Zubkova, N.V., Agakhanov, A.A., Britvin, S.N., Sidorov, E.G. and Pushcharovsky, D.Y. (2021) Reznitskyite, IMA 2021-067. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-068
Penrice marble quarry, 2 km north of Angaston, Barossa Valley, South Australia, Australia (34°28′54″ S, 139°02′48″ E)
Peter Elliott, Ian E. Grey*, Colin M. Macrae, Anthony R. Kampf and Cameron Davidson
The F-dominant analogue of aldermanite
Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined
a = 13.478(3), b = 9.971(2), c = 6.999(1) Å, β = 97.20(3)°
13.39(100), 8.00(30), 5.718(12), 5.562(26), 3.284(4), 3.004(5), 2.855(16), 2.782(15)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Museum of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide 5000, South Australia, Australia, catalogue number G32227 (holotype), and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue number 76158 (cotype)
How to cite: Elliott, P., Grey, I.E., Macrae, C.M., Kampf, A.R. and Davidson, C. (2021) Penriceite, IMA 2021-068. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-069
On a dump of the Delamar mine, Delamar district, Lincoln Co., Nevada, USA (37°27′45″ N, 114°46′08″)
Anthony R. Kampf*, Owen P. Missen, Stuart J. Mills, Chi Ma, Robert M. Housley, Marek Chorazewicz, Joe Marty and Mark Coolbaugh
A dimorph of plumbotellurite
Triclinic: P $\overline 1$
; structure determined
a = 7.0256(4), b = 10.6345(6), c = 11.9965(8) Å, α = 78.513(6), β = 83.104(6), γ = 84.083(6)°
3.270(77), 3.146(100), 3.010(28), 2.815(33), 2.564(18), 1.952(31), 1.784(18), 1.667(18)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue number 76156 (holotype) and 76157 (cotype), and the Museums Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne 3001, Victoria, Australia, specimen number M55535 (cotype)
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Missen, O.P., Mills, S.J., Ma, C., Housley, R.M., Chorazewicz, M., Marty, J. and Coolbaugh, M. (2021) Matthiasweilite, IMA 2021-069. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-070
Yushui Cu polymetallic deposit, about 16 km northeast of Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, China (24°25′30″ N, 116°10′45″ E)
Peng Liu, Xiangping Gu*, Wenlan Zhang, Huan Hu, Xiaodan Chen, Wenlei Song, Xiaolin Wang, Miao Yu and Nigel J. Cook
New structure type
Monoclinic: I2/a; structure determined
a = 9.4821(2), b = 5.8781(1), c = 19.3987(4) Å, β = 90.165(2)°
9.73(58), 5.011(62), 4.274(36), 3.636(30), 3.216(51), 2.676(100), 2.582(95), 2.049(82)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Geological Museum of China, No. 16, Yangrou Hutong, Xisi, Beijing 100031, People's Republic of China, catalogue number M16122
How to cite: Liu, P., Gu, X., Zhang, W., Hu, H., Chen, X., Song, W., Wang, X., Yu, M. and Cook, N.J. (2021) Jingwenite-(Y), IMA 2021-070. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-004
Arsenatnaya fumarole, Second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka peninsula, Far-Eastern Region, Russia (55°41′ N, 160°14′ E, 1200 m a.s.l.)
Oleg I. Siidra*, Evgeny V. Nazarchuk, Leonid A. Pautov, Artem S. Borisov, Anatoly N. Zaitsev, Evgeniya Y. Avdontseva and Vladimir N. Bocharov
New structure type
Orthorhombic: Cmc21; structure determined
a = 5.90(1), b = 15.66(4), c = 17.33(4) Å
5.317(18), 4.667(24), 3.561(37), 3.236(17), 2.909(100), 2.452(65), 2.358(15), 2.347(26)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskiy Prospekt 18-2, Moscow 119071, Russia, registration number 5595/1
How to cite: Siidra, O.I., Nazarchuk, E.N., Pautov, L.A., Borisov, A.S., Zaitsev, A.N., Avdontseva, E.Y. and Bocharov, V.N. (2021) Paulgrothite, IMA 2021-004. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-071
Ústaleč abandoned mine, 500 m northeast of the Ústaleč village, 15 km west of Horažďovice, South-Western Bohemia, Czech Republic (49°19′14″ N, 13°30′15″ E)
Jiří Sejkora*, Jakub Plášil and Emil Makovicky
Tetrahedrite group
Cubic: I $\overline 4$
3m; structure determined
a = 10.828(4) Å
3.828(10), 3.126(100), 2.894(11), 2.552(9), 1.977(11), 1.914(71), 1.632(33), 1.353(9)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, National Museum in Prague, Cirkusová 1740, 19300 Praha 9, Czech Republic, catalogue number P1P 7/2021
How to cite: Sejkora, J., Plášil, J. and Makovicky, E. (2021) Stibioústalečite, IMA 2021-071. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-072
Redmond mine, Haywood Co., North Carolina, USA (35°40′49″ N, 83°01′07″ W)
Anthony R. Kampf*, Jason B. Smith, John M. Hughes, Chi Ma and Christopher Emproto
New structure type
Monoclinic: P21/c; structure determined
a = 9.1672(4), b = 10.6576(4), c = 14.062(1) Å, β = 101.173(7)°
6.56(64), 5.01(32), 3.442(100), 3.173(32), 2.912(35), 2.847(42), 2.479(38), 2.280(27)
Cotype material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue numbers 76160, 76161 and 76162
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Smith, J.B., Hughes, J.M., Ma, C. and Emproto, C. (2021) Redmondite, IMA 2021-072. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-073
Redmond mine, Haywood Co., North Carolina, USA (35°40′49″ N, 83°01′07″ W)
Anthony R. Kampf*, Jason B. Smith, John M. Hughes, Chi Ma and Christopher Emproto
New structure type
Monoclinic: P21/n; structure determined
a = 12.5991(9), b = 9.2819(4), c = 12.9774(9) Å, β = 90.443(6)°
9.05(29), 6.49(100), 4.83(34), 3.638(46), 3.017(52), 2.825(40), 2.794(27), 2.729(32)
Cotype material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue numbers 76163, 76164, 76165 and 76166
How to cite: Kampf, A.R., Smith, J.B., Hughes, J.M., Ma, C. and Emproto, C. (2021) Hydroredmondite, IMA 2021-073. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-074
In the central part of a burning coal mine dump of the abandoned Kateřina mine, east of Radvanice village, about 12 km east of Trutnov town, Hradec Králové region, Czech Republic (50°33′39.0″ N, 16°03′56.2″ E)
Vladimír Žáček*, Radek Škoda, František Laufek, Jiří Sejkora and Jakub Haifler
A dimorph of argutite
Trigonal: P3121 or P3221
a = 4.980(5), c = 5.644(4) Å
4.315(44), 3.425(100), 2.490(31), 2.360(41), 2.278(29), 1.867(31), 1.418(31), 1.412(37)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, National Museum in Prague, Cirkusová 1740, 19300 Praha 9, Czech Republic, catalogue number P1P 31/2021
How to cite: Žáček, V., Škoda, R., Laufek, F., Sejkora, J. and Haifler, J. (2021) Pertoldite, IMA 2021-074. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-075
North Mesa mine group, Temple Mountain, San Rafael district, Emery Co., Utah, USA
Jakub Plášil*, Anthony R. Kampf, Chi Ma and Joy Desor
The Fe analogue of svornostite
Orthorhombic: Pmn21; structure determined
a = 12.893(3), b = 8.276(2), c = 11.239(2) Å
8.29 (59), 6.47(82), 5.10(62), 4.65(100), 3.332(55), 3.020(63), 2.670(51), 2.106(56)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, catalogue number 76159
How to cite: Plášil, J., Kampf, A.R., Ma, C. and Desor, J. (2021) Oldsite, IMA 2021-075. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-077
Terra do Batista gabbro outcrop, Porto da Cruz, Machico, Madeira Island, Portugal (32°46′01″ N, 16°50′29″ W); Serrado gabbro outcrop, Porto da Cruz, Machico, Madeira Island, Portugal (32°45′30″ N, 16°49′41″ W)
Stuart J. Mills*, Fabrice Dal Bo, Pedro Alves, Henrik Friis and Owen P. Missen
Wöhlerite group
Monoclinic: P21/a; structure determined
a = 10.880(1), b = 10.0442(7), c = 7.2250(7) Å, β = 108.78(1)°
6.780(26), 4.007(22), 3.243(37), 2.928(84), 2.839(100), 1.807(23), 1.775(24), 1.524(23)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Museums Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia, registration number M55555 (holotype), and the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172, Blindern, 0318 Oslo, Norway registration number KNR 44332 (cotype)
How to cite: Mills, S.J., Dal Bo, F., Alves, P., Friis, H. and Missen, O.P. (2021) Madeiraite, IMA 2021-077. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-079
El Dragón mine, Antonio Quijarro Province, Potosí Department, Bolivia (19°49′15″ S, 65°55′00″ W)
Hexiong Yang*, Xiangping Gu, Robert A. Jenkins, Ronald B. Gibbs, James A. McGlasson and Michael M. Scott
New structure type
Orthorhombic: Cmc21; structure determined
a = 16.2392(2), b = 10.9637(1), c = 15.3367(2) Å
7.824(100), 7.642(88), 5.839(53), 5.580(83), 5.514(88), 4.860(67), 4.496(49), 3.017(81)
Type material is deposited in the collections of the University of Arizona Mineral Museum, 1040 E. 4th Street, Tucson, AZ 85721-0077, USA, catalogue no. 22711 (holotype), and the RRUFF Project, deposition no. R210008 (cotype)
How to cite: Yang, H., Gu, X., Jenkins, R.A., Gibbs, R.B., McGlasson, J.A. and Scott, M.M. (2021) Petermegawite, IMA 2021-079. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-080
Bajiazi lead-zinc deposit, about 310 km southwest of Shengyang City, Jianchang County, Liaoning Province, China (40°35′30″ N, 120°02′16″ E)
Xiangping Gu*, Ziping Wang and Wenfeng Zhu
A dimorph of chenguodaite
Cubic: F $\overline 4$
3m; structure determined
a = 11.0732(2) Å
6.409(100), 3.338(52), 3.191(79), 2.762(70), 2.254(73), 2.126(88), 1.952(59), 1.303(15)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Geological Museum of China, No. 16, Yangrou Hutong, Xisi, Beijing 100031, People's Republic of China, catalogue number M16128
How to cite: Gu, X., Wang, Z. and Zhu, W. (2021) Xuwenyuanite, IMA 2021-080. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA No. 2021-040a
Bortolan quarry, Poços de Caldas massif, Minas Gerais, Brazil (21°46′38″ S, 46°37′58″ W)
Maxwell C. Day, Elena Sokolova*, Frank C. Hawthorne, László Horváth and Elsa Pfenninger-Horváth
Seidozerite supergroup
Triclinic: P $\overline 1$
; structure determined
a = 9.615(3), b = 5.725(2), c = 7.316(2) Å, α = 89.91(1), β = 101.14(1), γ = 100.91(1)°
3.086(61), 2.975(100), 2.844(21), 2.639(30), 2.510(24), 1.908(31), 1.829(26), 1.704(22)
Type material is deposited in the mineralogical collections of the Canadian Museum of Nature, 240 McLeod St, Ottawa, ON K2P 2R1, Canada, registration number CMNMC 88727
How to cite: Day, M.C., Sokolova, E., Hawthorne, F.C., Horváth, L. and Pfenninger-Horváth, E. (2021) Bortolanite, IMA 2021-040a. CNMNC Newsletter 64; Mineralogical Magazine, 85,
IMA 21-G: Hiärneite: crystal structure, chemical formula and classification
Proposal 21-G is accepted, and based on SCXRD data the formula of hiärneite is revised from (Ca,Na,Mn2+)2(Zr,Mn3+)5(Sb,Ti,Fe3+)2O16 to Ca2Zr4Mn3+SbTiO16. Hiärneite belongs to the calzirtite group of minerals, which also includes calzirtite [Ca2Zr5Ti2O16] and the structurally related cubic mineral tazheranite [(Zr,Ti,Ca)(O, □)2].
IMA 21-H: Redefinition of bixbyite and definition of bixbyite-(Fe) and bixbyite-(Mn)
Proposal 21-H is accepted. The name ‘bixbyite’ becomes a series name for material with a bixbyite structure, space group Ia $\overline 3$, and Fe3+ or Mn3+ as the dominant trivalent cation (it also includes the orthorhombic polytype of Mn2O3, with space group Pcab). Bixbyite-(Fe) is defined as the Fe3+ dominant part of the series, with an ideal formula (Fe,Mn)2O3, and bixbyite-(Mn) is defined as the Mn3+ dominant part of the series, with an ideal formula Mn2O3.