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Published online by Cambridge University Press:  31 October 2024

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Index of Reviews
Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Classical Association

  • Allen, Mont, The Death of Myth on Sarcophagi. Allegory and Visual Narrative in the Late Empire, 159–60

  • Arnaud, Pascal and Keay, Simon (edd.), Roman Port Societies. The Evidence of Inscriptions, 152

  • Austen, Victoria, Analysing the Boundaries of the Ancient Roman Garden. (Re)Framing the Hortus, 131–2

  • Barbiero, Emilia A., Letters in Plautus. Writing Between the Lines, 127

  • Beck, Deborah, The Stories of Similes in Greek and Roman Epic, 298–9

  • Beckwith, Christopher I., Scythian Empire. Central Eurasia and the Birth of the Classical Age from Persia to China, 307–8

  • Bernard, Seth, Historical Culture in Iron Age Italy. Archaeology, History, and the Use of the Past, 900–300 bce, 325–6

  • Bernard, Seth, Mignone, Lisa Marie and Padilla Peralta, Dan-el, Making the Middle Republic. New Approaches to Rome and Italy, c.400–200 bce, 326–7

  • Billings, Joshua and Moore, Christopher (edd.), The Cambridge Companion to the Sophists, 324

  • Blondell, Ruby, Helen of Troy in Hollywood, 339–40

  • Bonazzi, Mauro, Platonism. A Concise History from the Early Academy to Late Antiquity, 169

  • Brennan, Shane, Xenophon's Anabasis. A Socratic History, 143

  • Bridges, Emma, Warriors’ Wives. Ancient Greek Myth and Modern Experience, 289–90

  • Brughmans, Tom and Wilson, Andrew (edd.), Simulating Roman Economies, 153–5

  • Bruning, Jelle, Jong, , Janneke, H. M. de and Sijpesteijn, Petra M. (edd.), Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean World: From Constantinople to Baghdad, 500–1000 ce, 334–5

  • Budelman, Felix and Sluiter, Ineke (edd.), Minds on Stage. Greek Tragedy and Cognition, 122–3

  • Buszard, Bradley, Greek Translations of Roman Gods, 344–5

  • Christopoulos, Menelaos, Papachrysostomou, Athina and Antonopoulos, Andreas P. (edd.), Myth and History. Close Encounters, 143

  • Corbeill, Anthony (ed.), Cicero, De haruspicum responsis. Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary, 129

  • Därmann, Iris and Winterling, Aloys (edd.), Oikonomia und Ökonomie im klassischen Griechenland. Theorie, Praxis, Transformation, 141

  • De Wet, Chris L., Kahlos, Maijastina and Vuolanto, Ville (edd.), Slavery in the Late Antique World, 147–8

  • Demetriou, Denise, Phoenicians Among Others. Why Migrants Mattered in the Ancient Mediterranean, 137–8

  • Derbew, Sarah F., Untangling Blackness in Greek Antiquity, 138–9

  • Drago, Anna Tiziana and Hodkinson, Owen (edd.), Ancient Love Letters. Form, Themes, Approaches, 127–8

  • Eck, Caroline van, Piranesi's Candelabra and the Presence of the Past. Excessive Objects and the Emergence of a Style in the Age of Neoclassicism, 318–19

  • Filonik, Jakub, Plastow, Christine and Zelnick-Abramovitz, Rachel (edd.), Citizenship in Antiquity. Civic Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean, 306–7

  • Freudenburg, Kirk, Virgil's Cinematic Art. Vision as Narrative in the Aeneid, 130–1

  • Gagliardi, Lorenzo, Romam commigrare. I Romani, i Latini e l'immigrazione, 328

  • Galfré, Edoardo, Storia di un esule. L'evoluzione della poesia dell'esilio di Ovidio dai ‘Tristia’ alle ‘Epistulae ex Ponto’, 296–7

  • García Morcillo, Marta and Rosillo-López, Cristina (edd.), The Real Estate Market in the Roman World, 337–8

  • Gehrke, Hans-Joachim, The Greeks and Their Histories. Myth, History, and Society, 309–10

  • Gerolemou, Maria, Technical Automation in Classical Antiquity, 177–9

  • Gerolemou, Maria and Kazantzidis, George (edd.), Body and Machine in Classical Antiquity, 123–4

  • Gill, Ann-Katrin and Smith, Mark, Transforming the Dead in Graeco-Roman Egypt. The Spells of P. Louvre N. 3122 and P. Berlin P. 3162, 347–8

  • Ginelli, Francesco, Cornelius Nepos, The Commanders of the Fifth Century BCE. Introduction, Text, and Commentary, 140

  • Gitner, Adam (ed.), Roman Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity. Guardians of a Changing Language, 301–2

  • Grethlein, Jonas, Ancient Greek Texts and Modern Narrative Theory. Towards a Critical Dialogue, 121–2, 123

  • Guicharrousse, Romain, Athènes en partage. Les étrangers au sein de la cité (Ve – IIIe siècles avant notre ère), 137

  • Hall, Jonathan M. and Osborne, James F. (edd.), The Connected Iron Age. Interregional Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 900–600 bce, 136

  • Harman, Rosie, The Politics of Viewing in Xenophon's Historical Narratives, 310

  • Hartmann, Benjamin, The Scribes of Rome. A Cultural and Social History of the Scribae, 148–9

  • Haug, Annette, Hielscher, Adrian, and Krüger, Anna-Lena (edd.), Neighbourhoods and City Quarters in Antiquity. Design and Experience, 313–14

  • Hauser, Emily, How Women Became Poets. A Gender History of Greek Literature, 287–8, 289, 290

  • Heilig, Christoph, The Apostle and the Empire. Paul's Implicit and Explicit Criticism of Rome, 156–7

  • Herrero de Jáuregui, Miguel, Catábasis: el viaje infernal en la Antigüedad, 181–2

  • Hillner, Julia, Helena Augusta. Mother of the Empire, 145–7

  • Hoffman, Sanne, Between Deity and Dictator. The Life and Agency of Greek Votive Terracotta Figurines, 157–9

  • Höhl, Maximilian, Literarische Triumphe. Der römische Triumph als konzeptuelle Metapher in der Literatur der späten Republik und der frühen Kaiserzeit, 299300

  • Hölkeskamp, Karl-Joachim, Theater der Macht. Die Inszenierung der Politik in der römischen Republik, 328–9

  • Hoo, Milinda, Eurasian Localisms. Towards a Translocal Approach to Hellenism and Inbetweenness in Central Eurasia, Third to First Centuries bce, 137

  • Jordan, Bradley, Imperial Power, Provincial Government, and the Emergence of Roman Asia, 133 bce–14 ce, 336

  • Kalligas, Paul, trans. Koutras, Nickolaos, The Enneads of Plotinus. A commentary (Volume 2), 324

  • Kamen, Deborah, Greek Slavery, 304

  • Kapellos, Aggelos (ed.), The Orators and Their Treatment of the Recent Past, 310–11

  • Kerrigan, Charlie, Living Latin. Everyday Language and Popular Culture, 303

  • Kindt, Julia, The Trojan Horse And Other Stories. Ten Ancient Creatures That Make Us Human, 293–5

  • Kingsley, K. Scarlett, Monti, Giustina and Rood, Tim (edd.), The Authoritative Historian. Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Historiography, 142

  • Koenig, Amy, The Fractured Voice. Silence and Power in Imperial Roman Literature, 300–1

  • Koortbojian, Michael, The Representation of Space in Graeco-Roman Art. Relief Sculpture, Problems of Form, and Modern Historiography, 316–17

  • Koranyi, James and Hanscam, Emily (edd.), Digging Politics. The Ancient Past and Contested Present in East-Central Europe, 164–6

  • Kreisel, Silvester, Alte Feste in neuer Zeit - Zur Entwicklung der paganen Festkultur unter dem Einfluss des spätantiken Christentums. Pharos Band 50, 181

  • Lamont, Jessica L., In Blood and Ashes. Curse Tablets and Binding Spells in Ancient Greece, 305

  • Lane, Melissa, Of Rule and Office. Plato's Ideas of the Political, 321–2

  • Launaro, Alessandro (ed.), Roman Urbanism in Italy. Recent Discoveries and New Directions, 311–13

  • Loy, Michael, Connecting Communities in Archaic Greece. Exploring Economic and Political Networks through Data Modelling, 305

  • Marisco, Claudia (ed.), Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies, 170–1

  • Mattingly, David J., Between Sahara and Sea. Africa in the Roman Empire, 332–3

  • McConnell, Justine, Derek Walcott and the Creation of a Classical Caribbean, 171–3, 174

  • Meyer, Caspar and Petsalis-Diomidis, Alexia (edd.), Drawing the Greek Vase, 161–2

  • Miller, Kassandra J., Time and Ancient Medicine. How Sundials and Water Clocks Changed Medical Science, 179–80

  • Misic, Blanka and Graham, Abigail (edd.), Senses, Cognition, and Ritual Experience in the Roman World, 315–16

  • Mitchell, Lynette, Cyrus the Great. A Biography of Kingship, 307

  • Mittag, Peter Franz, Geschichte des Hellenismus, 308

  • Mlambo, Obert B., Land Expropriation in Ancient Rome and Contemporary Zimbabwe. Veterans, Masculinity and War, 331–2

  • Morton, Peter, Slavery and Rebellion in Second-Century bc Sicily. From Bellum Servile to Sicilia Capta, 329–30

  • Mouritsen, Henrik, The Roman Elite and the End of the Republic: the boni, the Nobles and Cicero, 330–1

  • Mouzala, Melina G. (ed.), Ancient Greek Dialectic and its Reception, 322–4

  • Natoli, Bartolo A., Pitts, Angela and Hallett, Judith P., Ancient Women Writers of Greece and Rome, 288–9

  • Nevin, Sonya, The Idea of Marathon. Battle and Culture, 139–40

  • Nicholson, Emma, Philip V of Macedon in Polybius’ Histories. Politics, History, and Fiction, 309

  • Nobili, Cecilia, Voci di donne nell’ epica: Personaggi e modelli poetici femminili nell’ Iliade e nell’ Odissea, 290–1

  • Nooter, Sarah, Greek Poetry in the Age of Ephemerality, 125–7

  • Oakley, S. P., Studies in the Transmission of Latin Texts. Volume II: Vitruvius, Cato, De agricultura and Varro, De re rustica, Porphyrio, and Priscian, Periegesis, 295

  • Osborne, Robin, The Cultural History of Objects in Antiquity, 140–1

  • Pappas, Vasileios, Maximianus’ ‘Elegies’. Love Elegy Grew Old, 135–6

  • Parker, Robert, Cleomenes on the Acropolis and Other Studies in Greek Religion and Society, 344

  • Pirenne-Delforge, Vinciane and Węcowski, Marek (edd.), Politeia and Koinōnia. Studies in Ancient Greek History in Honour of Josine Blok, 306

  • Pulz, Erik, Laevius – ein altlateinischer Liebesdichter. Studien, Text und Interpretationskommentar, 295–6

  • Quarantotto, Diana (ed.), Aristotle's Physics Book I. A Systematic Exploration, 166

  • Raimondi, Milena, Quinto Cecilio Macedonico. Romanorum laudatissimus, 329

  • Rask, K. A., Personal Experience and Materiality in Greek Religion, 345–6

  • Ready, Jonathan L., Immersion, Identification, and the Iliad, 120–1, 123

  • Rees, Owen, Military Departures, Homecomings and Death in Classical Athens. Hoplite Transitions, 140

  • Reinhardt, Tobias, Cicero's Academici libri & Lucullus. A Commentary with Introduction & Translations, 128–9

  • Reinhardt, Tobias (ed.), Cicero: Academica (Academicus Primus, Fragmenta et Testimonia Academicorum Librorum, Lucullus), 129

  • Robinson, Rebecca, Imperial Cults. Religion and Politics in the Early Han and Roman Empires, 149–51

  • Roby, Courtney Ann, The Mechanical Tradition of Hero of Alexandria, 179

  • Rodosthenous, George and Poulou, Angeliki (edd.), Greek Tragedy and the Digital, 175–7

  • Roller, Duane W., A Guide to the Geography of Pliny the Elder, 134–5

  • Roubineau, Jean-Manuel, The Dangerous Life and Ideas of Diogenes the Cynic, 169–70

  • Roumpou, Angeliki-Nektaria (ed.), Ritual and the Poetics of Closure in Flavian Literature, 297–8

  • Rowan, Clare, Tokens and Social Life in Roman Imperial Italy, 335–6

  • Rowe, Christopher, Aristotelica. Studies on the Text of Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics, 325

  • Sansone, David (ed.), Plato. Republic Book I, 325

  • Schermaier, Martin (ed.), The Position of Roman Slaves. Social Realities and Legal Differences, 336–7

  • Schofield, Malcolm, How Plato Writes. Perspectives and Problems, 168

  • Sebastiani, Alessandro, Ancient Rome and the Modern Italian State. Ideological Placemaking, Archaeology and Architecture 1870–1945, 162–4

  • Serafim, Andreas, Kazantzidis, George and Demetriou, Kyriakos, Sex and the Ancient City. Sex and Sexual Practices in Greco-Roman Antiquity, 141–2

  • Simonetti, Elsa Giovanna and Hall, Claire (edd.), Divination and Revelation in Later Antiquity, 346–7

  • Sitz, Anna M., Pagan Inscriptions, Christian Viewers. The Afterlives of Temples and Their Texts in the Late Antique Eastern Mediterranean, 160–1

  • Stein, Nathaniel, Causality and Causal Explanation in Aristotle, 166–7

  • Stocking, Charles H., Homer's Iliad and the Problem of Force, 124–5

  • Stoneman, Richard (ed.), A History of Alexander the Great in World Culture, 139

  • Stover, Justin A. and Woudhuysen, George, The Lost History of Sextus Aurelius Victor, 338–9

  • Stover, Tim, Valerius Flaccus and Imperial Latin Epic, 133–4

  • Strazdins, Estelle, Fashioning the Future in Roman Greece. Memory, Monuments, Texts, 309

  • Tatarkiewicz, Anna, trans. Jarczyk, Magdalena, The ‘cursus laborum’ of Roman Women. Social and Medical Aspects of the Transition from Puberty to Motherhood, 144–5

  • Taub, Liba, Ancient Greek and Roman Science. A Very Short Introduction, 177

  • Taylor, Helena and Cox, Fiona (edd.), Ovid in French. Reception by Women from the Renaissance to the Present, 340–1

  • Thalmann, William G., Theocritus: Space, Absence, and Desire, 291–2

  • Townsend, David, Queering Medieval Latin Rhetoric. Silence, Subversion, and Sexual Heterodoxy, 174–5

  • Tutrone, Fabio, Healing Grief. A Commentary on Seneca's ‘Consolatio ad Marciam’, 133

  • Tzounakas, Spyridon, Alekou, Stella and Harrison, Stephen (edd.), The Reception of Ancient Cyprus in Western Culture, 341–2

  • Upson-Saia, Kristi, Marx, Heidi and Secord, Jared, Medicine, Health and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean, 500 bce–600 ce. A Sourcebook, 180–1

  • Usher, M. D., How to Care About Animals. An Ancient Guide to Creatures Great and Small. Porphyry and Friends, 292–3, 294

  • Verner, Eva, Erzählen der Macht – Macht des Erzählens. Eine Analyse der sog. Sulpicia-Elegien (Corpus Tibullianum III 8–18). IPHIS – Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften, Bd. 13, 132–3

  • Vozar, Thomas Matthew, Milton, Longinus, and the Sublime in the Seventeenth Century, 343

  • Waterfield, Robin, Plato of Athens. A Life in Philosophy, 167–8

  • Węcowski, Marek, Athenian Ostracism and its Original Purpose. A Prisoner's Dilemma, 305–6

  • Weisweiler, John (ed.), Debt in the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East. Credit, Money, and Social Obligation, 304

  • Williams, Hamish, J.R.R. Tolkien's Utopianism and the Classics, 171, 172–4

  • Wilson, Andrew, Ray, Nick and Trentacoste, Angela, The Economy of Roman Religion, 155–6

  • Wojciech, Katharina, Wie die Athener ihre Vergangenheit verhandelten. Rede und Erinnerung im 5. und 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr., 142

  • Woodruff, Paul, Living Toward Virtue. Practical Ethics in the Spirit of Socrates, 319–21

  • Woolmer, Mark, A Short History of the Phoenicians, revised edition, 138

  • Worthington, Ian, The Last Kings of Macedonia and the Triumph of Rome, 308–9

  • Wulfram, Hartmut (ed.), Der lateinische ›Alexanderroman‹ des Iulius Valerius. Sprache, Erzählung, Kontext, 298

  • Xinyue, Bobby, Politics and Divinization in Augustan Poetry, 129–30

  • Zecchini, Giuseppe, Cesare e i suoi amici, 330

  • Zetzel, James E. G., The Lost Republic. Cicero's De oratore and De re publica, 129