For X a metric continuum, 2X denotes the hyper space of all nonempty subcompacta, with the topology induced by the Hausdorff metric H, and C(X) ⊂ 2X the hyperspace of subcontinua. These hyperspaces are continua, in fact are arcwise-connected, since there exist order arcs between each hyperspace element and the element X. They also have trivial shape, i.e., maps of the hyperspaces into ANRs are homotopic to constant maps. For a detailed discussion of these and other general hyperspace properties, we refer the reader to Nadler's monograph [4].
The question of hyperspace contractibility was first considered by Wojdyslawski [8], who showed that 2X and C(X) are contractible if X is locally connected. Kelley [2] gave a more general condition (now called property K) which is sufficient, but not necessary, for hyperspace contractibility. The continuum X has property K if for every
there exists δ > 0 such that, for every pair of points x, y with d(x, y) < δ and every subcontinuum M containing x, there exists a subcontinuum N containing y with