Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Wang, W. P.
Shen, B. F.
Xu, Z. Z.
Accelerating gradient improvement from hole-boring to light-sail stage using shape-tailored laser front.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 24,
Issue. 1,
Schuhmann, Karsten
Kirch, Klaus
Marszalek, Miroslaw
Nez, Francois
Pohl, Randolf
Schulthess, Ivo
Sinkunaite, Laura
Wichmann, Gunther
Zeyen, Manuel
Antognini, Aldo
Multipass amplifiers with self-compensation of the thermal lens.
Applied Optics,
Vol. 57,
Issue. 35,
Wang, W. P.
Shen, B. F.
Zhang, H.
Lu, X. M.
Li, J. F.
Zhai, S. H.
Li, S. S.
Wang, X. L.
Xu, R. J.
Wang, C.
Leng, Y. X.
Liang, X. Y.
Li, R. X.
Xu, Z. Z.
Multi-stage proton acceleration controlled by double beam image technique.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 25,
Issue. 6,
Fan, Wei
Jiang, Youen
Wang, Jiangfeng
Wang, Xiaochao
Huang, Dajie
Lu, Xinghua
Wei, Hui
Li, Guoyang
Pan, Xue
Qiao, Zhi
Wang, Chao
Cheng, He
Zhang, Peng
Huang, Wenfa
Xiao, Zhuli
Zhang, Shengjia
Li, Xuechun
Zhu, Jianqiang
Lin, Zunqi
Progress of the injection laser system of SG-II.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering,
Vol. 6,
Issue. ,
Wang, W. P.
Shen, B. F.
Zhang, H.
Lu, X. M.
Li, J. F.
Zhai, S. H.
Li, S. S.
Wang, X. L.
Xu, R. J.
Wang, C.
Leng, Y. X.
Liang, X. Y.
Li, R. X.
Xu, Z. Z.
Spectrum tailoring of low charge-to-mass ion beam by the triple-stage acceleration mechanism.
Physics of Plasmas,
Vol. 26,
Issue. 4,
Xia, Gang
Fan, Wei
Huang, Dajie
Cheng, He
Guo, Jiangtao
Wang, Xiaoqin
High damage threshold liquid crystal binary mask for laser beam shaping.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering,
Vol. 7,
Issue. ,