1.1Joseph Holland’s glossary adapted from Speght’s 1598 edition. CUL MS Gg.4.27(1), fol. 30r. Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
1.2Speght’s 1598 glossary. Fondation Martin Bodmer [without shelfmark], sig. 4A1r. Digitised and reproduced courtesy of the Bodmer Lab, University of Geneva.
1.3Seventeenth-century annotations in a copy of Troilus and Criseyde with reference to collation with ‘printed books’. Cambridge, St John’s College, MS L.1, fol. 1v. By permission of the Master and Fellows of St John’s College, Cambridge.
1.4Corrections inserted and written over erasures. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 739, fol. 12r.
2.1A parchment replacement leaf for the opening of Troilus and Criseyde. CUL MS Gg.4.27(1), fol. 8r. Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
2.2A parchment supply leaf in the General Prologue, imitating the secretary hand of the fifteenth-century scribe. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 600, fol. 2r.
2.3A collation of the manuscript’s contents with a printed edition, possibly by John Barkham. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 600, fol. iir.
2.4A paper replacement leaf in the General Prologue alongside a fifteenth-century original, with text lined up to avoid a gap. TCC MS R.3.15, fols. 4av–5r. The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge.
2.5A replacement leaf supplying text in the Wife of Bath’s Prologue. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Laud Misc. 739, fol. 140ar.
2.6An early modern replacement leaf in the General Prologue alongside a fifteenth-century original. Lichfield Cathedral Library, MS 29, fols. 205v–206r. © Lichfield Cathedral.
2.7Early modern repairs imitating the printed page in a copy of Caxton’s second edition of the Canterbury Tales. Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cologny, Inc. B. 70, sig. 2d7v. Digitised and reproduced courtesy of the Bodmer Lab, University of Geneva.
2.8Filled-in space in the Book of the Duchess. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Fairfax 16, fol. 130r.
2.9Filled-in gaps in Sir Thopas. University of Glasgow Archives and Special Collections, MS Hunter 197 (U.1.1), fol. 65r.
3.1Title page of Speght’s 1598 edition (STC 5078) with a cartouche containing a quatrain from the Parliament of Fowles. Fondation Martin Bodmer [without shelfmark], sig. [a]2r. Digitised and reproduced courtesy of the Bodmer Lab, University of Geneva.
3.2An extract from the Parliament of Fowles, the short poem Prophecy, and praise of Chaucer from Speght in Holland’s manuscript. CUL MS Gg.4.27(1), fol. 4v. Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
3.3Short poems added by Holland to CUL MS Gg.4.27(1), fol. 35r. Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
3.4An early modern parchment supply leaf containing the end of the Testament of Cresseid. Cambridge, St John’s College, MS L.1, fol. 128v. By permission of the Master and Fellows of St John’s College, Cambridge.
3.5An early modern reader’s note on the omission of the Plowman’s Tale and a reference to Foxe’s Actes and Monuments in a copy of Thynne’s 1532 edition. University of Glasgow Archives and Special Collections, Bs.2.17 (STC 5068; sig. A3v).
4.1Table of contents and accompanying notes by John Stow. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Fairfax 16, fol. 2r.
4.2A reader’s addition of alternative titles in a 1532 edition of Chaucer’s Workes. University of Glasgow Archives and Special Collections, Bs.2.17 (STC 5068; sig. 3B1v).
4.3William Sancroft’s list of ‘Some of Chaucer’s Works’. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Tanner 346, fol. iiir.
4.4Thomas Martin’s table of contents. University of Glasgow Archives and Special Collections, MS Hunter 197 (U.1.1), i, fol. 3r.
4.5John Speed’s engraved Chaucer portrait in Speght’s first edition of the poet’s Workes (1598). Fondation Martin Bodmer copy [without shelfmark]. Digitised and reproduced courtesy of the Bodmer Lab, University of Geneva.
4.6A facsimile inserted in place of Speed’s engraved portrait in a copy of Speght (1602), Munby.a.2. The Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge.
4.7A drawing of Chaucer from Speght used as an example of medieval clothing in John Aubrey’s Chronologia Vestiaria. The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, Bodl. MS Top.Gen.c.25, fol. 202r.