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Fvlcoii Belvacensis Epistvlae
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 29 July 2016
Fulcoius was one of the most distinguished literary figures of the eleventh century, a writer who, in the words of Dom André Wilmart, ‘a laissé des œuvres poétiques assez importantes, encore mal connues.' Apart from the poet's own works, there are three sources of information on his life: the epitaphs in his honor which are found in MS Paris, B.N. lat. 16701; the biographical notice in MSS Beauvais 11 and Paris, B.N. lat. 5305; and references in a letter of St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusians, to Raoul le Verd, provost of the Reims cathedral and future archbishop.
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1 On Fulcoius and his writings see Histoire littéraire de la France 8 (Paris 1747) 113–120 (= Migne PL 150.1551-1556); Alexandre Olleris, A Monsieur Jos. Vict. le Clerc Lettre sur Fulcoie, archidiacre de Beauvais (Paris 1842); Henri Omont, ‘Épitaphes métriques en l'honneur de différents personnages du XIe siècle composées par Foulcoie de Beauvais, archidiacre de Meaux,’ Mélanges Julien Havet (Paris 1895) 211-219; Max Manitius, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters III (1931) 836-840; Boutemy, A. and Vercauteren, F., ‘Foulcoie de Beauvais et l'intérêt pour l'archéologie antique au XIe et au XIIe siècle,’ Latomus 1 (1937) 173-186. Raby, F. J. E. omits all mention of Fulcoius in A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages (Oxford 1934) and in A History of Christian Latin Poetry from the Beginnings to the Close of the Middle Ages (Oxford 1927, 2nd ed. Oxford 1953). Trask, W. R., in translating from Curtius, E. R., calls the poet ‘Fulco’ instead of Fulcoius: European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (New York 1953) 199 n. 28, 626.Google Scholar
2 ‘Deux lettres concernant Raoul le Verd, l'ami de saint Bruno,’ Rev. Bén. 51 (1939) 264.Google Scholar
3 Ed. Jean Lebeuf, Dissertations sur l'histoire ecclésiastique et civile de Paris II (Paris 1741) 246–250, from whom Boutemy and Vercauteren, in Latomus 1.174, reprinted the second of the Beauvais epitaphs, and Hist. litt. 8.115, the Paris epitaph.Google Scholar
4 On the MS see infra, at n. 36.Google Scholar
5 Published by Omont, Mélanges 214 and partially reproduced by Manitius, Gesch. III 839.Google Scholar
6 On the MS see infra, 206.Google Scholar
7 Ed. Wilmart, Rev. Bén. 51.268.Google Scholar
8 Lebeuf, Dissertations II 245-246. Someone destroyed the name of the city in the title of the manuscript.Google Scholar
9 The epitaphs may be only school-exercices.Google Scholar
10 Ed. Lebeuf, Dissertations II 246-247.Google Scholar
11 Ed. ibid. 249-250. For the rest of the epitaph, which deals with Fulcoius’ writings, see at n. 55 infra. Google Scholar
12 For the rest of the notice see at n. 56 infra. Google Scholar
13 Wilmart, Rev. Bén. 51.258 n. 2, 264.Google Scholar
14 Ibid. 264.Google Scholar
15 Cf. Boutemy, , ‘Autour de Godefroid de Reims,’ Latomus 6 (1947) 237 n. 5.Google Scholar
16 Wilmart, Rev. Bén. 51.264.Google Scholar
17 Omont, Mélanges 216; Manitius, Gesch. III 839.Google Scholar
18 Harmand, Auguste, Catalogue général des manuscrits: Départements [Quarto series] 2 (1855) 925.Google Scholar
19 Verses 14-23, ed. Poncelet, A., Analecta Bollandiana 7 (1888) 151.Google Scholar
20 Ed. Lebeuf, Dissertations II 243-244.Google Scholar
21 Nos. 24 and 25, ed. Omont, Mélanges 229.Google Scholar
22 No. 28, ed. ibid. 230-231.Google Scholar
23 No. 27, ed. ibid. 230.Google Scholar
24 No. 39, ed. ibid. 233-234.Google Scholar
25 Nos. 9 and 10, ed. ibid. 223-225.Google Scholar
26 Latomus 6 (1947) 237 n. 5.Google Scholar
27 Ed. Poncelet, Anal. Boll. 7.152.Google Scholar
28 Cf. John Williams, R., ‘Archbishop Manasses I of Rheims and Pope Gregory VII,’ Amer. Hist. Rev. 54 (1949) 822.Google Scholar
29 Manitius, Gesch. III 836 n. 1.Google Scholar
30 I have utilized in this paragraph the bibliographies of the published parts of Fulcoius’ writings in Ferdinand Lot et socii, ‘Index scriptorum operumque Latino-Gallicorum medii aeui saec. XI (1000-1108),’ Bulletin Du Cange 16 (1942) 26; Boutemy, ‘Notes complémentaires aux listes d’écrivains et de textes latins de France du XIe siècle,’ Bulletin Du Cange 17 (1943) 30; Id. Latomus 6 (1947) 237.Google Scholar
31 Bollandiani, Hagiographi, Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum Latinorum qui asseruantur in Bibliotheca Nationali Parisiensi I (Brussels 1889) 238–239.Google Scholar
32 Harmand, Catalogue général: Départements 2.924-925; at p. 925, the first four lines of the hymn, which is registered as No. 16353 in the Repertorium hymnologicum of Chevalier, U. Chevalier cites the Troyes MS, referring presumably to Harmand's catalogue.Google Scholar
33 MS B.N. lat. 13789 is briefly noted by Delisle, L. in his Inventaire des manuscrits de Saint-Germain-des-Prés conservés à la Bibliothèque impériale sous les nos. 11504-14231 du fonds latin (Paris 1868) 115 (= Bibl. de l’École des Chartes 29 [1868] 243); for the Duchesne MS, see Poupardin, R.'s catalogue (Paris 1905) 99.Google Scholar
34 Mabillon notes the presence of a contemporary copy of the Vita sancti Faronis (= BHL 2827) in a MS of Saint-Faron, Meaux in the Acta Sanctorum O.S.B., Saec. IV, Pars I sub fin. (ed. Venice 1735, p. 618). Du Cange consulted the Vita in ‘Bibl. Sangerman. Cod. 738’ (so the ‘Index auctorum’ in vol. 10 of the Niort edition of the Glossarium). Suchier, H. (‘Clothars II Sachsenkrieg und die Anfänge des französischen Volksepos,’ Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 18 [1894] 192-193) and Krusch, B. (MGH, Scr. rer. Merov. 5 [1910] 178) report the Meaux MS lost.Google Scholar
35 Poncelet, Anal. Boll. 7.146.Google Scholar
36 Boutemy and Vercauteren, Latomus 1.176; Manitius, Gesch. III 840.Google Scholar
37 Mélanges 219-235.Google Scholar
38 Bollandiani, Hagiographi, Catalogus 240-264.Google Scholar
39 Anal. Boll. 7.151-163.Google Scholar
40 Zeitschrift 18.193-194. Thirteen additional lines, copied from the Duchesne MS (supra, at n. 33), are printed by Krusch, MGH, Scr. rer. Merov. 5.184.Google Scholar
41 Poncelet, Anal. Boll. 7.147-148.Google Scholar
42 Histoire de sa vie 1.17 (ed. Georges Bourgin in Collection de textes pour servir à l’étude et à l'enseignement de l'histoire [Paris 1907] 64).Google Scholar
43 Liber decem capitulorum 1.1-4 (ed. Walther Bulst in Heidelberger Ausgaben zur Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte des Abendlandes 8 [Heidelberg 1947] 5).Google Scholar
44 Recueil des historiens des Gaules 11.439.Google Scholar
45 Lecomte, Maurice, Foulcoie de Beauvais, archidiacre de Meaux (Provins 1897) 2–3.Google Scholar
46 Omont, Mélanges 215 n. 2; Manitius Gesch. III 840.Google Scholar
47 Manitius, ibid. 840 n. 2.Google Scholar
48 Mélanges 212.Google Scholar
49 Latomus 1.175.Google Scholar
50 Gesch. III 837-838, 840.Google Scholar
51 Dissertations II 241.Google Scholar
52 Lettre 7.Google Scholar
53 ‘Mittelalterliche Büchertitel’ (1. Heft), SB Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Phil.-hist. Kl. (1948, Heft 4) 67.Google Scholar
54 Ed. Omont, Mélanges 214.Google Scholar
55 Ed. Lebeuf, Dissertations II 250 and partially in Manitius, Gesch. III 839-840. The verses here quoted follow those quoted supra at n. 11.Google Scholar
56 Ed. Omont, Mélanges 214 and, therefrom, in part, by Manitius, Gesch. III 839. For the earlier part of this notice from the Beauvais MS, see supra at n. 12.Google Scholar
57 Cf. Erich Casper, Das Register Gregors VII. (MGH Epp. sel. 2.1) 21 n. 2, ‘Über diese Vorgeschichte des Konflikts [between Manasses and Gregory] ist nichts bekannt.’Google Scholar
58 See my forthcoming ‘Classical Scholarship in the Letters of Fulcoius of Beauvais’ in Essays in Honor of Ullman, B. L. (In the line enumeration there used, account was taken of the titles of the several letters.) Some instances of Fulcoius’ dependence upon classical sources have been noted by Manitius, Gesch. III 838 n. 2, 839 nn. 1-4.Google Scholar
59 Catalogue général des manuscrits: Départements 3 (1885) 320–322; and Mélanges 217-218.Google Scholar
60 Gesch. III 837.Google Scholar
61 Catalogue général·. Départements 3.320 and Mélanges 217.Google Scholar
62 The manuscript is described in detail by Omont in Catalogue général: Départements 3.317-326 and in Mélanges 213-218.Google Scholar
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