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Parenting Support in the Dutch ‘Participation Society’

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  02 July 2015

Trudie Knijn
Centre for Social Policy and Social Intervention Studies (SOPINS), Utrecht University E-mail:
Marit Hopman
Centre for Social Policy and Social intervention Studies (SOPINS), Utrecht University E-mail:


This article focuses on ‘the turn to parenting’ in the Netherlands and embeds it in a major reform called ‘transition and transformation’. While support for parenting by way of public healthcare and denominational family care and advice has a long tradition in the Netherlands, the field gained new importance in the 1990s under the influence of medical and psychological ‘scientification’ and the introduction of evidence-based methods. Current reforms are modulated with a critique of specialised forms of parent support and (re-)introduce a community- and family-based approach in which professionals are charged with helping families to help themselves and with guiding and supervising volunteers who actually do the job of parenting support.

Themed Section on Parenting Support in European Countries: A Complex Development in Social Policy
Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2015 

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