The Theodore and Vada Stanley Foundation, in collaboration with
the National Alliance for the
Mentally Ill, welcomes applications for the 1998 Stanley Foundation
Research Awards Program.
The purpose of the awards is to support research directly related to
the causes or treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
The research awards are intended to attract established scientists
from other areas of biology and
medicine (e.g. biochemistry, immunology, virology and neurology) into
research on schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder as well as to provide support for innovative
research by scientists already in
the field whose funding sources are limited. Applicants are invited
from all stages of career development.
Awards are for one or two years. They may be up to $75000 a year
for studies involving human
subjects and up to $50000 a year for other studies. Funds may be
used for salaries, supplies and
equipment, but it is the policy of the Stanley Foundation not to
pay indirect costs for administration
of the award. In 1997, 48 applications were funded out of a total of
262 received.
Deadline for receipt of applications is 2 March 1998. The 4-page
application consists of a brief
outline of the proposed project, a budget, and a list of current and
pending sources of funding.
Notification of awards is made in June and funding to award
recipients begins in August. The
research award applications are reviewed by a professional selection
committee. Requests for
applications and questions should be directed to: Ms Patrice P. De
Haven, Research Awards
Administrator, Stanley Foundation Research Awards Program, c/o
NAMI, 200 North Glebe
Road, Suite 1015, Arlington, VA 22203-3754 USA. Telephone:
703-312-7883 – Fax: 703-312-7893. E-mail: