This correspondence was published in Psychological Medicine with errors in Table 1. An updated and corrected version of Table 1 can be found below.
The authors apologise for this error.
Table 1. Studies examining inter-identity amnesia in individuals with dissociative identity disorder

BP = Biological Psychiatry; BRaT = Behaviour Research and Therapy; C&C = Consciousness and Cognition; DID = dissociative identity disorder; IJoP = International Journal of Psychophysiology; JoAP = Journal of Abnormal Psychology; JoNaMD = Journal of nervous and mental disease; MPD = multiple personality disorder; M&C = Memory and Cognition; NI = NeuroImage; NY = New York; PET= positron emission tomography; PM = Psychological Medicine; PP = Plenum Press; PR = Psychiatry Research; PR:I = Psychiatry research: Neuroimaging; PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder; rCBF = regional cerebral blood flow, SPECT = single photon emission computed tomography
1 = This is a book chapter
2 = Self-relevance is defined as a past autobiographical event, not experimentally related.
3 = Self-experimental is defined as an experimentally learned/induced autobiographical event, a self-relevance primed autobiographical event that is independent of the traumatic personal past.
4 = Van Heugten-van der Kloet, D., Huntjens, R., Giesbrecht, T., & Merckelbach, H. (2014). Self-reported sleep disturbances in patients with dissociative identity disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder and how they relate to cognitive failures and fantasy proneness. Frontiers in psychiatry, 5, 19.
5 = Dorahy MJ, McKendry H, Scott A, Yogeeswaran K, Martens A, Hanna D. Reactive dissociative experiences in response to acute increases in shame feelings. Behav Res Ther. 2017; 89:75–85.