The germ of the Genevan Psalter is to be found in a metrical French version of Psalm 6. It consists of ten stanzas in six lines, in the measure of Insbruch, ich muss dich lassen, beginning Ne vueille pas, O Sire, the workmanship of Clément Marot. For full particulars of the history and literary compositions of this remarkable man, to whom French lyric poetry, as well as the Genevan Psalter, owes so much, the student is referred to M. Douen's “Clement Marot et le Psautier Huguenot,” a review of which, written by Major G. A. Crawford, appeared in the Musical Times during the months of June till November, 1881. But in a lecture on the French Psalter it is needful to say something, however briefly and disjointedly, on its originator.