Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2008
In this paper we explore the possibility of defining $p$-local finite groups in terms of transfer properties of their classifying spaces. More precisely, we consider the question, posed by Haynes Miller, of whether an equivalent theory can be obtained by studying triples $(f,t,X)$, where $X$ is a $p$-complete, nilpotent space with a finite fundamental group, $f:BS\to X$ is a map from the classifying space of a finite $p$-group, and $t$ is a stable retraction of $f$ satisfying Frobenius reciprocity at the level of stable homotopy. We refer to $t$ as a retractive transfer of $f$ and to $(f,t,X)$ as a retractive transfer triple over $S$.
In the case where $S$ is elementary abelian, we answer this question in the affirmative by showing that a retractive transfer triple $(f,t,X)$ over $S$ does indeed induce a $p$-local finite group over $S$ with $X$ as its classifying space.
Using previous results obtained by the author, we show that the converse is true for general finite $p$-groups. That is, for a $p$-local finite group $(S,\mathcal{F},\mathcal{L})$, the natural inclusion $\theta:BS\to X$ has a retractive transfer $t$, making $(\theta,t,|\mathcal{L}|^{\wedge}_p)$ a retractive transfer triple over $S$. This also requires a proof, obtained jointly with Ran Levi, that $|\mathcal{L}|^{\wedge}_p$ is a nilpotent space, which is of independent interest.