Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2017
1 Maritime Delimitation in the Black Sea (Rom. v. Ukr.) Judgment, ICJ Reports 2009, at 61.
2 Dispute Concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary Between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal (Bangl./Myan.), ITLOS Judgment, Mar. 14, 2012.
3 New Zealand & Australia v. Japan, Order of 27 August 1999, ITLOS Reports 1999, at 280.
4 Case Concerning Land Reclamation by Singapore in and Around the Strait of Johor (Malay, v. Sing.), Order of ITLOS of 8 October 2003.
5 Convention, art. 188, para. 2.
6 Judgment of 3 February 2012, para. 65 et seq.