Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2017
1 G. Washington, Last Will and Testament, July 9, 1799, probated January 20, 1800, at 28, 37 THE WRITINGS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON 275, 294 (J. Fitzpatrick ed. 1940).
2 Vynior's Case, 77 Eng. Rep. 597 (K.B. 1610).
3 Sir Michael Mustill, Forum London (Sept. 1981).
4 Scrimaglio v. Thornett & Fehr, [1924] All E.R. 802, 804 (C.A.) (Scrutton, J.).
5 Arbitration Act, 1950, 14 Geo. 6, ch. 27, §12.
6 Arbitration Act, 1979, ch. 42, §5.
7 Id., at §1(5).
8 Naumann v. Edward Nathan & Co., [1930] 37 Lloyd's L.R. 249, 251 (Scrutton, J.).
9 Arbitration Act, 1698, 9 Wm. 3, ch. 15.
10 From time to time London arbitrators are required to apply a foreign law or to act as “amiable compositeurs,” because that is what the parties have inserted in their arbitration agreement. Eagle Star Ins. Co. v. Yuval Ins. Co., [1978] 1 Lloyd's L.R. 357 (C.A.) (Lord Denning).
12 If English law governs, the parties can only contract out after the commencement of the arbitration where the disputes arise out of shipping, insurance and commodity contracts, but in all other cases they can contract out at any time. Arbitration Act 1979, § 4.
13 Id., at 1979, ch. 42, § 3.
l4 Id., at § 1.
15 Pioneer Shipping Ltd. v. BTP Tioxide Ltd., [1981] 1 All E.R. 1030, 1033 (H.L.) (Lord Diplock).
16 By substituting a limited right of appeal for the case-stated procedure. Arbitration Act, 1979, §1.
17 Id., at §5.
18 Arbitration Act, 1950, § 26.
l9 The International Arbitration Counsellor is Frank Render, Esq. C.V.O., International Arbitration Centre, 75 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5BH-Telephone Number 01-377-1704- Telex number 889281.