Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 Art. 2, par. 4.
2 E. Lauterpacht, The Legal Irrelevance of the “State of War,” at p. 62 above.
3 Ian Brownlie, International Law and the Use of Force by States 402-04 (1963).
4 Under the inherent right of collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter.
5 Falk, “International Law and the United States Eole in the Viet Nam War,” 75 Yale L.J. 1122, 1143-46 (1966); Law, Morality, and War in the Contemporary World 19 (1963).
6 Feinberg, The Legality of a “ State of War ” after the Cessation of Hostilities 70 (1961).
7 Brownlie, op. cit. a. 3 above at 418-19.
8 See Report of the Special Committee on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States, Sep. 26. 1967, at 52-53, 103 (A/6799) (1967).
9 Charter, Art. 92.
10 Charter, Art. 36, par. 3.
11 [1949] I.C.J. Rep. 4.
12 Higgins, The Development of International Law through the Political Organs of the United Nations (1963).
13 Security Council Resolution 248, March 24, 1968 (S/RES/248) (1968).
14 Res. 1105 (BS-II), Gen. Ass. Off. Rec, 2d Emerg. Sp. Sess. 6 (1956).
15 Banco Nacional de Cuba v. Sabbatino, 376 U.S. 398, 428-29 (1964).
16 Kes. 1474 (ES-II), Sep. 28, 1960, Gen. Ass. Off. Eec, 4th Emerg. Sp. Sess., Supp. 1, at J (A/4510) (1960).
17 Hague Conventions Nos. III, V, XI, and XIII, Oct. 18, 1907, 2 A.J.I.L. Supp. 85 (1908).
18 See the remarks of Mr. Vyshinsky on this question in the First Committee of the General Assembly, Gen. Ass. Off. Eec, 5th Sess., 1st Comm., 413th meeting 417 (A/C.1/SB.412) (1950).
19 See letter from Mr. Sebag-Monteflore to the Observer Eeview, July 16, 1967, p. 27, col. 4.