Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Smith, Gavin
Taylor, David McD
Morgans, Amee
Cameron, Peter
Prehospital Synchronized Electrical Cardioversion of a Poorly Perfused SVT Patient by Paramedics.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine,
Vol. 28,
Issue. 3,
Smith, Gavin
McD Taylor, David
Morgans, Amee
Cameron, Peter
Measuring the effectiveness of a revised clinical practice guideline for the pre‐hospital management of supraventricular tachycardia.
Emergency Medicine Australasia,
Vol. 27,
Issue. 1,
Katritsis, Demosthenes G.
Boriani, Giuseppe
Cosio, Francisco G.
Hindricks, Gerhard
Jaïs, Pierre
Josephson, Mark E.
Keegan, Roberto
Kim, Young-Hoon
Knight, Bradley P.
Kuck, Karl-Heinz
Lane, Deirdre A.
Lip, Gregory Y. H.
Malmborg, Helena
Oral, Hakan
Pappone, Carlo
Themistoclakis, Sakis
Wood, Kathryn A.
Blomström-Lundqvist, Carina
Gorenek, Bulent
Dagres, Nikolaos
Dan, Gheorge-Andrei
Vos, Marc A
Kudaiberdieva, Gulmira
Crijns, Harry
Roberts-Thomson, Kurt
Lin, Yenn-Jiang
Vanegas, Diego
Caorsi, Walter Reyes
Cronin, Edmond
Rickard, Jack
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Tarzimanova, A. I.
Podzolkov, V. I.
Modern treatment of supraventricular tachycardia.
Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention,
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Issue. 5,
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Katritsis, Demosthenes G
Arbelo, Elena
Arribas, Fernando
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Calkins, Hugh
Corrado, Domenico
Deftereos, Spyridon G
Diller, Gerhard-Paul
Gomez-Doblas, Juan J
Gorenek, Bulent
Grace, Andrew
Ho, Siew Yen
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Kuck, Karl-Heinz
Lambiase, Pier David
Sacher, Frederic
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Suwalski, Piotr
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Lewis, Basil
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Merkely, Béla
Paul, Thomas
Pavlović, Nikola
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Petronio, Anna Sonia
Potpara, Tatjana
Roffi, Marco
Scherr, Daniel
Shlyakhto, Evgeny
Simpson, Iain A
Zeppenfeld, Katja
Arbelo, Elena
Arribas, Fernando
Bax, Jeroen J
Blomström-Lundqvist, Carina
Calkins, Hugh
Deftereos, Spyridon G
Diller, Gerhard-Paul
Gomez-Doblas, Juan J
Gorenek, Bulent
Grace, Andrew
Ho, Siew Yen
Kaski, Juan-Carlos
Kuck, Karl-Heinz
Lambiase, Pier David
Sacher, Frederic
Sarquella-Brugada, Georgia
Suwalski, Piotr
Zaza, Antonio
Windecker, Stephan
Aboyans, Victor
Baigent, Colin
Collet, Jean-Philippe
Dean, Veronica
Delgado, Victoria
Fitzsimons, Donna
Gale, Chris P
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Halvorsen, Sigrun
Hindricks, Gerhard
Iung, Bernard
Jüni, Peter
Katus, Hugo A
Landmesser, Ulf
Leclercq, Christophe
Lettino, Maddalena
Lewis, Basil S
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Mueller, Christian
Petersen, Steffen E
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Richter, Dimitrios J
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Shlyakhto, Evgeny
Simpson, Iain A
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Touyz, Rhian M
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Manolis, Antonis S
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2019 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with supraventricular tachycardiaThe Task Force for the management of patients with supraventricular tachycardia of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
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Paramedic use of IV amiodarone to terminate supraventricular tachycardia.
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Golitsyn, S. P.
Davtyan, K. V.
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Krivolapov, S. N.
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Tatarsky, B. A.
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Filatov, A. G.
Shkolnikova, M. A.
Shubik, Yu. V.
Yashin, S. M.
2020 Clinical practice guidelines for Supraventricular tachycardia in adults.
Russian Journal of Cardiology,
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The Epidemiology and Effectiveness of Synchronized Cardioversion in a UK Prehospital Setting: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study.
Prehospital and Disaster Medicine,
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Factors related to the decision to perform synchronized cardioversion for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias by prehospital emergency medical services workers.
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