31 May-5 June 2008
American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting. Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. [Contact: ACA Registrar; Tel: 1(716) 898 8690; Fax: 1(716)898 8695; E-mail: aca@hwi.buffalo.edu; Info: http://www.amercrystalassn.org].
3–6 June 2008
16th Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Association. Erlangen, Germany. [Contact: Herr Prof. Dr. Andreas Magerl, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. Tel: 49(9131)85 25 181; E-mail: andreas.magerl@krist.uni-erlangen.de; Info: http://conventus.de/dgk2008].
9–12 June 2008
International Materials Research Conference. Chonqing, China. Cosponsored by the Materials Research Society and the Chinese Materials Research Society. [Contact: Materials Research Society, 506 Keystone Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086-7573, USA. Tel: 1(724)779 3003; Fax: 1(724)779 8313; Info: http://www.mrs.com/s_mrs/sec.asp?CID=7060&DID=178708].
16–20 June 2008
EXRS2008 13th European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry. Cavtat (Dubrovnik,) Croatia. [Contact: EXRS2008 Secretariat, Ruder Bošković Institute, Post Office Box 180, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail: exrs2008@irb.hr; Info: http://exrs2008.irb.hr].
6–11 July 2008
10th International Conference on Quasicrystals. Zurich, Switzerland Abstracts are invited in all areas of study, including synthesis, crystal growth and structure, phase4 stability, surfaces and thin films, physical properties, applications, and new frontiers of quasicrystals and cluster-based metallic alloys. [Contact: Conference Secretariat, Mrs. Cornelia Aurelio, Laboratory of Crystallography, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland. Tel: 41(44)632 3769; Fax: 41(44)632 1133; E-mail: icq10@mat.ethz.ch; Info: http://icq10.ethz.ch].
7–10 July 2008
AFC2008 Colloque de l’Association Française de Cristallographie. Rennes, France. [Info: http://www.afc2008.univ-rennes1.fr].
20–23 July 2008
Sixth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science. Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. [Contact: Rogério Magalhaes-Paniago Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron, ABTLuS CP 6192, 13084-971 Campinas, SP Brasil. Tel: 55 (19) 35121023, Fax: 55(19)35121004; E-mail: paniago@lnls.br; Info: http://www.srms-6.com.br].
21–26 July 2008
XRM2008 9th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy. Zurich. Switzerland. Held at the downtown campus of ETH Zurich. [Contact: Mrs. Charlotte Heer, Paul Scherrer Institut, WSLA/123, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland. Tel: 41(56)310 3178; Fax: 41(56)310 3151; E-mail: charlotte.heer@psi.ch; Info: http://xrm2008.web.psi.ch].
4–8 August 2008
57th Annual Denver X-ray Conference. Denver, Colorado, USA. Held in the Denver Marriott Tech Center Hotel. A unique mixture of sessions on training, education, and applications. Presentations containing details on state-of-the-art techniques and future developments in X-ray analysis. Workshops (4–5 August) in Cultural Heritage and Conservation Applications, Nanomaterials and their Applications, Introduction to Rietveld Analysis, High-throughput X-rays, Combined Use of X-rays and Neutrons, Texture Analysis with Area Detectors, Stress Analysis, Non-ambient XRD, XRF Specimen Preparation, Quantitative XRF Analysis, Basic XRF, Trace Analysis in XRF, Energy Dispersive XRF. [Contact: Denise Flaherty, International Centre for Diffraction Data, 12 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273, USA. Tel: 1(619)325 9814; E-mail: flaherty@icdd.com; Info: http://www.dxcicdd.com].
6–8 August 2008
ICRS-8 8th International Conference on Residual Stresses. Denver, Colorado, USA. Held in conjunction with the 57th Annual Denver X-ray Conference. A forum for scientists, engineers, academicians, and students interested in the prediction, evaluation, control, and application of residual stresses. [Info: http://www.dxcicdd.com/icrs/default.htm].
18–22 August 2008
6th International Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals and Melts. Hyogo, Japan. This is a satellite meeting of the 21st IUCr General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography. [Contact: Tel: 81(791)58 0834; Fax: 81(791)58 0830; Info: http://borate2008.spring8.or.jp].
20–22 August 2008
X-ray and Neutron Techniques for Nano-structural Research. SPring-8, Japan. Organized by the IUCr Commission on Small-angle Scattering. This is a satellite meeting of the 21st IUCr General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography. [Contact: Naoto Yagi. E-mail: yagi@spring8.or.jp; Info: http://xrm.spring8.or.jp/IUCr_satellite.html].
22 August 2008
Symposium on Organic Micro- and Nano-crystals. Sendai, Japan. Held at Tohoku University. This is a satellite meeting of the 21st IUCr General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography. [Contract: Hachiro Nakanishi. E-mail: hnakanis@tagen.tohoku.ac.jp].
23–31 August 2008
21st IUCr General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography. Osaka, Japan. [Contact: Organizing Secretariat, Congress Corporation, Congress Building, 3-6-13 Awajimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0047, Japan. Tel: 81(6)6229 2555; Fax: 81 (6) 6229 2556; E-mail: iucr2008@congre.co.jp; Info: http://www.iucr2008.jp].
1–2 September 2008
Development of Advanced Instruments for New Electron Microscopy and Diffraction. Nagoya. Japan. Held at Nagoya University. This is a satellite meeting of the 21st IUCr General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography. [Contact: Nobuo Tanaka. E-mail: a41263a@nucc.cc.nagoya-u.ac.jp].
1–2 September 2008
Powder Diffraction on Proteins: Current Status and Future Prospects. Kyoto, Japan. Held at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. This is a satellite meeting of the 21st IUCr General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography. [Contact: Keiko Miura. E-mail: miurakk@spring8.or.jp].
15–19 September 2008
XTOP 2008 9th Biennial Conference on High Resolution X-ray Diffraction and Imaging. Linz, Austria. Held on the campus of Johannes Kepler University. [Contact: Susanne Lechner, Institute for Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University, Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria. Tel: 43 (732) 2468 9600; Fax: 43 (732) 2468 8650: Info: http://www.hlphys.jku.at/xtop2008/xtop2008_home.html].
15–19 September 2008
Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society. Warsaw, Poland. [Info: http://www.e-mrs.org/meetings/fall2008].
19–22 September 2008
11th European Powder Diffraction Conference. Warsaw, Poland. [E-mail: organizers@epdic-11.eu; Info: http:www.epdic-11.eu].
16–20 November 2008
SARX 2008 XI Latin American Seminary of Analysis by X-ray Techniques. Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Organized by the Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. [Info: http://www.lin.ufrj.br/sarx2008].
17–20 November 2008
14th International Conference on Thin Films and Reactive Sputter Deposition. Ghent, Belgium. The official language of the Congress is English. [Contact: ICTF14 Secretariat, ICTF14@UGent.be; Info: http//].
25–30 July 2009
American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [Info: http://www.amercrystalassn.org/meetings_pglist/futuremeetings.html].
7–9 August 2009
Symmetry and Crystallography in Turkish Art and Culture. Istanbul, Turkey. This is a satellite conference of the 25th European Crystallographic Meeting in Istanbul, sponsored by the IUCr Commission on Mathematical and Theoretical Crystallography. It includes a do-it-yourself workshop and a short excursion. [Contact: E-mail: mathcryst.satellite@lcm3b.uhp-nancy.fr].
9–14 August 2009
25th European Crystallographic Meeting. Istanbul, Turkey. [E-mail: ecm25@ecm25.org; Info: www.ecm25.org].
13–18 September 2009
SAS-2009 XIV International Conference on Small-angle Scattering. Oxford, England, UK. [Contact: E-mail: s.m.king@rl.ac.ukor nick.terrill@diamond.ac.uk; Info: http://www.isis.rl.ac.uk/largescale/loq/SAS2009/SASW2009.htm].