Winny, James (Ed.).
The Frame of Order: An Outline of Elizabethan Belief taken from Treatises of the Late Sixteenth Century.
Allen & Unwin.
1957. Pp.
224. 26s. The extracts are arranged under the headings: Man, The State and The Universe. Under the first heading the topics illustrated are Man, the Constitution of Man, and the Reasonable Soul; under the second, the Correspondences, of Policy and the Good Ordering of Estates, the Invention of Arts, the Ruin of Estates (this last from
The Beginning, Continuance and Decay of Estates, by René de Lucinge, 1606); and under the third, the Copemican System (with paragraphs from Thomas Digges's
A Perfect Description of the Celestial Orbs, 1576), Meteors, the Planetary Influences, of Universal Proportion, and a Glossary.
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