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New Phytologist147 (2000), 73–85
In the July 2000 issue of New Phytologist, we published the research paper entitled ‘Dynamics of root systems in native grasslands: effects of elevated atmospheric CO2’ by J. A. Arnone III, J. G. Zaller, E. M. Spehn, P. A. Niklaus, C. E. Wells and C. Körner. Since its publication, it has come to our attention that there are two important errors. In Table 1, for alpine grassland (Switzerland, 2480 m) in year 2 (cool), the observed soil depth should be given as 0–10 cm (as originally printed there is no soil depth given). In Table 2, the period covered should be 28 April 1994 to 6 April 1995, not 28 April 1994 to 6 April 1996, as erroneously stated.
We apologize to the authors and to our readers for these mistakes.