Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 January 2016
On the basis of Prof. R. Brauer’s fundamental work, certain orthogonality relations for characters of finite groups have recently been studied by Brauer himself, M. Osima, and one of the present writers; see Iizuka [7] and the references there. In the present short note some general remarks on orthogonality relations, dealing with “blocks” and “sections” of general type, are given first. They are of elementary, and often formal, nature and their proofs are merely combinations of known arguments. So, no deep significance is claimed on them, in comparison with the above alluded results based on deeper arithmetico-group-theoretical considerations. However, applied to blocks and sections of such deeper nature, our remarks give some rather useful informations on them. Thus, for instance, the “maximality” feature of 77-blocks is given a formulation (Prop. 5 below) finer than the one given in [71 Further, some new types of blocks and sections can be constructed, again in application of our remarks to such classical ones. These new blocks and sections give thus new orthogonality relations and we hope that some of them may turn to have some significance. There arize also several problems, which are stated at the end of the present note and to some of which we wish to come back elsewhere.