Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2011
Quantitative measurements of the mechanical properties of Czochralski silicon were made. Samples were strained in tension to determine the yield characteristics (at 800°C) of silicon crystals which had been subjected to various heat treatments and which contained various concentrations of oxygen and carbon. The heat treatments included single step, two step (nucleation and growth) and three step (dissolution, nucleation and growth) annealing. Carbon concentration was found to affect both the rate of oxygen precipitation and the resulting precipitate morphology but did not have a direct effect on the yield stress of unprecipitated samples. There was a clear correlation between the amount of precipitated oxygen and the magnitude of the upper yield stress in samples with the same initial oxygen concentration. Precipitation caused a reduction in the upper yield stress for all precipitate morphologies, but the reduction was less severe (for a given amount of precipitation) where the precipitates were fine grains (<200Å) than where they were larger polyhedra or plates.