Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 February 2011
A significant materials-based activity to develop Ti-aluminide metal matrix composites for high temperature aerospace structural applications is now underway. A review of the approaches, progress, and status of the development of continuously-reinforced Ti-aluminide metal matrix composites with matrices which contain a significant volume fraction of the ordered orthorhombic Ti2AlNb phase will be presented. The principal application considered is a gas turbine compressor rotor ring, and this influences the development approaches and properties goals. Specific development activity that will be presented includes modification and control of the matrix composition and microstructure, fiber coating treatments to control interdiffusion between the fiber and the matrix, and to improve the ability of the interface to support a mechanical load, and efforts to improve the properties of SiC monofilaments used as reinforcements. Critical issues that define the requirements for additional studies will be presented.