Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 February 2011
Advances in nanoparticle technology enable the production of new types of electronic devices, catalytic systems and complex functional surface coatings. For most of these applications, random deposition or self-assembled arrangement of the particles on surfaces are sufficient. However, an increasing number of potential applications such as single electron transistors and quantum computers require exact placement of single nanoparticles with sub-10 nm resolution and specific size. Till date, techniques that provide an exact online placement of countable and size-selected nanoparticles for functional devices have not been reported. For this purpose a cluster-jet system, based on a gas-phase nanoparticle synthesis source, connected to a focussing collimator system has been developed. The objective of this technique is to assemble countable single nanoparticles with spatial resolution of 10 nm or below onto a pre-structured substrate. In the first stage of this system, nanoparticles in the size regime between 3 and 10 nm are synthesized in a lowpressure microwave plasma reactor. This reactor has the unique advantage of generating particles with defined size distribution, structure, morphology and low degree of agglomeration due to coulomb repulsion during particle formation and growth. Separated single particles are extracted by means of a particle laden molecular beam. A mass filter consisting of a particle mass spectrometer (PMS) coupled to the reactor is used to select nanoparticles of a specific size, according to their mass, charge and kinetic energy. In order to achieve the designated lateral resolution, the particle laden beam will be collimated by electromagnetic lenses and focused onto a pierced AFM-tip. Operation of the focusing mechanism and tip preparation have been successfully performed separatly and are currently being adapted to the use in the cluster-jet system. After completion, this technique is intended to enable the assembly of nanoparticles in almost any desired two-dimensional structure onto a substrate.