Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2011
The input data required for transport models for use in long-term risk assessments of repositories for radioactive waste, in geological media, are intrinsic to the performance of the models. The flow parameters utilized in these models typically come from 2 or 3D hydro-geological calculations done in a prior phase of an assessment. This paper examines some of the standard simplifications introduced when hydrogeological data are reduced to ID as is often required for radionuclide transport models. Two key aspects of data reduction are the determination of average properties of fractured media between and along transport pathways. To quantify possible errors associated with these reduction procedures, two computer experiments have been done. We show that the use of effective flow parameters, representing the average properties of a set of independent transport pathways, in a 1 D radionuclide transport model can result in an underestimation of peak releases by one order of magnitude or more. This result is valid for short-lived nuclides whenever retardation is an important factor. On the other hand, averaging of spatially varying transport properties along a transport pathway may lead to unjustified conservatism. A simple calculation example using Monte Carlo technique, shows that a model that does not take into account spatially varying retardation properties along the transport pathways may overestimate peak release rates by several orders of magnitude. We conclude that more sophisticated transport models taking into account available hydrogeological information on spatial variability are needed to fully understand the potential errors associated with consequence calculations in the performance assessment