Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 February 2011
The separate effects of alpha- and gamma-radiolysis on UO2 dissolution can be studied with unirradiated UO2, whereas studies vith used nuclear fuel necessarily always include both alpha- and gamma-radiolysis effects. This paper attempts to separate these effects by comparing the leaching behaviour in saline solution of a number of UO2 samples (each vith a particular radiation characteristic or chemical property inherent to used fuel) vith the leaching behaviour of used fuel. Data from leaching experiments vith lov- and high-burnup CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium) fuels are also compared. The results indicate that the presence of an alpha field at 100°C under reducing conditions does not increase UO2 dissolution but suggest that the combined effects of the beta and gamma fields in used CANDU fuel may enhance UO2 dissolution.