Format| Resolution | File size | Labels and appearance| Captions |Color| Figure display in abstract | Supplementary material
High-resolution figures must be uploaded during manuscript submission. The
preferred format for figure submission is .tif or .eps format. Figures submitted
in pdf format must be saved in separate files.
Line drawings and graphs must have a resolution of at least 1200 dpi and a
minimum width of three inches. Photographs and micrographs must have resolution
of at least 350 dpi and a minimum width of three inches. For all figures, the
maximum width is six inches. Lower-resolution images will not reproduce properly
and will not be accepted. The Editorial Office will provide instructions for ftp
of electronic figure submission on an as-needed basis.
File size:
There is a 60 MB file upload size limit in MRS Communications
Manuscripts. Please use LZW compression (which does not affect resolution) when
saving figure files.
Labels and appearance:
Every figure must be referred to in the main text in consecutive numerical order. A caption (legend) must be provided for each figure. Captions must be placed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. If a figure part such as (a) or (b) is referred to in a caption, that figure part must be labelled.
Please identify the figure or figure part that best represents your paper for display in the online abstract. A color figure that is visually interesting and tells the reader at a glance what the paper is about is recommended. Please be specific [i.e., Fig. 3(a) or Fig. 3(b)].
MRS Communications allows the submission of supplemental material for online publication. Supplementary material is defined as any content that supports, but is not key to, the understanding of a published item’s message. Given that supplementary material is exclusively published online, it may include file types (video, audio) that are incompatible with a print format.
Supplementary material is subject to the same peer review process and copyright requirements as all primary content. It will be neither copy-edited nor typeset, but will be published as approved by the editor-in-chief. Common types of supplementary material include audio and video files and large datasets or tables. Datasets, tables and other textual material are commonly submitted as PDF, Excel or Word files. The author should ensure that an in-text citation to each supplementary file has been made in the article. Preferably, in-text cites will appear in a separate section at the end of the article, following the text and preceding the traditional “References” or “Notes” section. Supplementary figures and tables should be labeled as FIG. S1, FIG. S2., etc. and TABLE SI, TABLE SII, etc.
The author will be able to check in page proofs to be certain that the in-text citation appears properly; however, the supplementary material files themselves will not be circulated with the page proofs. When an article is published online, either as a FirstView article or as part of an issue, the supplementary material will be published online with the article.
Files should be in final, publishable format upon submission. MRS Communications will not edit or typeset supplementary material, nor will it modify audio or video files in any substantive way. The author will be notified if a submitted file does not meet quality and size requirements.
Some supplementary material may not be able to be submitted through our online peer review systems, due to file size or compatibility problems. In such cases, and for all other questions regarding supplementary material, contact the MRC Editorial Office.