Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 July 2018
A Zn- and Y-group-bearing senaite, formulated as AM21O38 (Pb0.63Na0.46Ba0.11)Σ1.20(Ti14.64Zn1.74
Y‒group REE0.70Mn0.38Nb0.20Sn0.03Zr0.03Th0.02)Σ20.9O38, a member of the crichtonite group, is a newly characterized phase associated with murataite at the St Peters Dome area, Colorado. The Zn- and Y-group-bearing senaite is uranium-free and nonmetamict, but otherwise is comparable to known senaites and davidites in X-ray diffraction pattern, symmetry, and structure. The REE distribution shows a strong dominance of Y and the Y-group REE which are present in M(1). Megascopically, the mineral is black, submetallic, and opaque; in polished section it appears to be white and moderately bright compared with murataite. Cleavage is absent but twinning on {52
0} is present.
Senaite and hitherto unreported zinc-bearing senaite from Dattas, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, have the following respective structural formulas as determined by electron microprobe: