1. Introduction
A permutation is said to be m-smooth if it has no cycles of length greater than m. Let

be the probability that a permutation from
chosen uniformly at random is m-smooth. Let

and let
$\rho\colon [0,\infty) \to (0,\infty)$
be the Dickman function, defined via the delay differential equation
$t\rho'(t)+\rho(t-1) =0$
$t \gt 1$
with initial conditions
$t \le 1$
. It is weakly decreasing, and de Bruijn proved that it satisfies

$u \ge 3$
Reference de Bruijn2
]. Goncharov [
Reference Goncharov7
] established a connection between
, showing that
$p_{n,m} \sim \rho(u)$
$n \to \infty$
$u = O(1)$
. In an impressive work, Manstavičius and Petuchovas [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
] established asymptotic estimates for
in the entire range
$1 \le m \le n$
, including the estimate [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, theorem 4]

which holds for
$n \ge m \ge \sqrt{n \log n}$
. Recently, Ford [
Reference Ford6
, theorem 1·17] proved that

holds uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge 1$
. This almost immediately leads to

holding in
$n \ge m \ge 1$
Reference Gorodetsky8
, proposition 1·8], extending (1·2). Theorems 1·1–1·2 below, whose proofs borrow heavily from [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
], improve on (1·4).
Theorem 1·1. Uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge \sqrt{n \log n}$
we have

Uniformly for
$\sqrt{n\log n} \ge m \ge 1$
we have

We may combine both parts of Theorem 1·1 as

uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge 1$
. We see
$p_{n,m} \sim \rho\left({n}/({m+\frac{1}{2}})\right)$
holds when
$m/(n^{1/3}(\log n)^{2/3})$
$\to \infty$
The error term
in (1·5) is of particular importance, as we now explain. We say that a positive integer is y-smooth if all its prime factors are at most y, and we denote

$n'\;:\!=\;\log x$
$m'\;:\!=\;\log y$
, de Bruijn [
Reference de Bruijn4
] showed that, in the range
$n' \ge m' \ge n'^{5/8+\varepsilon}$
, the estimate

holds. This error term,
$O_{\varepsilon}\left({\log (u'+1)}/{m'}\right)$
, is analogous to (1·5).
Remark 1. The main term
of Theorem 1·1 arises indirectly. We first prove an estimate with a more complicated main term, see Proposition 3·1. This term originally appeared in [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, corollaries 3, 5], where it serves as an approximation to
in a narrow range and with a worse error term compared to Theorem 1·1. In Lemma 3·2 we simplify the complicated main term and show it may be replaced by
at a negligible cost.
Remark 2. Ford’s proof of (1·3) avoids complex analysis and it will be interesting to have a similar argument estimating
relative to
Theorem 1·1 is weaker than (1·4) when
$m=o(\log n)$
. We complement it with
Theorem 1·2. If
$2\le m\le n$
$m=O(\log n)$

The proof of Theorem 1·2 relies on estimates from [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
]. Theorem 1·2 is only claimed for
$m \ge 2$
, as it gives a wrong estimate if applied with
. By Stirling’s approximation,
$p_{n,1}=1/n! \asymp (e/n)^n n^{-1/2}$
From (1·4) and Theorem 1·2 we see that
$\log p_{n,m} \sim \log \rho(u)$
holds as
$n\to \infty$
. Using Theorems 1·1–1·2 we determine the order of magnitude of
Corollary 1·3. Define A via
. Uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge 1$

1·1. Results for smooth polynomials
A polynomial over a finite field
is said to be m-smooth if all its irreducible factors have degrees at most m. Let
be the set of monic polynomials of degree n over
. We write
for the probability that a polynomial from
chosen uniformly at random is m-smooth. Manstavičius [
Reference Manstavichyus11
, theorem 2] proved that

holds in range
$n\ge m \ge \sqrt{n\log n}$
. Recently, the author proved that for fixed
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
, the ratio

$n \ge m \ge (2+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
Reference Gorodetsky8
, theorems 1, 2]. The implied constant does not depend on q. From (1·6) and Theorem 1·1 we immediately obtain
Corollary 1·4. Uniformly for
$n\ge m\ge \sqrt{n\log n}$
we have

$\varepsilon \gt 0$
. Uniformly for
$\sqrt{n\log n}\ge m \ge (2+\varepsilon)\log_q n $
we have

The rest of our results concern
. To obtain estimates with better range and error than (1·6) we introduce a function
. The generating function of
$\{p_{n,m,q}\}_{n \ge 0}$

is the set of monic irreducible polynomials over
. It is analytic in
$|z| \lt q$
. The generating function of
$\{p_{n,m}\}_{n \ge 0}$
is the entire function [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13

$|z| \lt q$
we define

The function
is studied in [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, lemma 2·1]. By [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, theorem 1·3] we have

in the range
$n/(\log n \log^3 \log(n+1)) \ge m \ge (2+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
, where
is the unique positive solution to

In that range,
is very close to 1, see [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, lemmas 5·3-5·4]. We complement (1·10) with a result for large m. We define
$\xi(u)\ge 0$
$e^{\xi(u)} = 1+u\xi(u)$
Theorem 1·5. If
$n \ge m\ge \sqrt{10n \log n}$

Using Theorem 1·5 we are able to drop the condition
$n/(\log n\log^3 \log(n+1)) \ge m$
present in (1·10):
Corollary 1·6. The estimate (1·10) holds uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge (2+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
We turn to smaller m. In the range
$(2-\varepsilon)\log_q n \ge m \ge (1+\varepsilon)\log_q n$

see [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, lemma 5·4]. In [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, theorem 1·3] it is shown that
$p_{n,m,q}/p_{n,m} \sim G_q(x)$
holds as
$n \to \infty$
as long as
$m \ge (3/2+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
. Our next result shows that
experiences a transition when m is close to
$(3/2)\log_q n$
Theorem 1·7. Fix a prime power q and
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
. There is a quantity
$A \gt 0$
of order

such that, for
$(2-\varepsilon)\log_q n \ge m \ge (1+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
we have, as
$n \to \infty$

In particular, if
$A\asymp_{q,\varepsilon} ({n^{3-2\tau}}/{\log n})$
and so
$q^m =O( n^{3/2}/(\log n)^{1/2})$
Conventions. The letters C,c shall denote absolute positive constants which may change between different instances. The notation
$A \ll B$
$|A| \le C B$
for some absolute constant C, while
$A\ll_{a,b,\ldots} B$
means C may depend on the parameters in the subscript. We write
to indicate
$cB \le A \le C B$
holds for
$C,c \gt 0$
that may depend on
2. Auxiliary estimates and functions
2·1. Saddle point review
By [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, theorem 2 and corollary 5], uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge 1$
we have

is the saddle point defined as the unique positive solution to (1·11), and
is defined as

Lemma 2·1. Uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge 1$
, the following estimates hold:
$n^{1/m} \ge x \gg n^{1/m}$
$nm \ge \lambda \gg nm$
$\lambda= nm( 1+ O(1/\max\{ \log u,n^{1/m}\}))$
Proof. We study x. Considering only the
term in (1·11) gives
$x \le n^{1/m}$
. If
$x \lt 1$
$\sum_{i=1}^m x^i \lt m \le n$
, a contradiction, hence
$x \ge 1$
. Consequently, by the definition of x,
$mx^m \ge n$
holds, which implies

We turn to
. We have
$\lambda \le m \sum_{i=1}^{m} x^i = nm$
. By [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, lemma 9],

uniformly for
$u \gt 1$
. We also have
$x^m \le n=\sum_{i=1}^{m} x^i \lt x^m/(1-x^{-1})$
and so

. The estimate (2·3) already shows
$\lambda \gg nm$
$u \ge C$
. If
$u \lt C$
then, since
$x \ge 1$
, we find
$\lambda \ge \sum_{i=1}^{m} i \gg nm$
2·2. Dickman function review
We define
$\xi \colon [1,\infty) \to [0,\infty)$
, a function of variable
$u\ge 1$
, by

Lemma 2·2 [
Reference Hildebrand9
, lemma 1]. We have
$\xi \sim \log u$
$u \to \infty$
, and
$\xi'=u^{-1}(1+O(1/\log u))$
$u \ge 2$
Lemma 2·3 [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, lemma 6]. If
$u \gt 1$
we have
$\log u \lt \xi \le 2 \log u$

which defines an entire function. Observe that

and a short computation shows
. The following lemma is proved by induction.
Lemma 2·4. For any
$k \ge 1$
we have
$I^{(k)}(s) = (e^s P_{k-1}(s)-(\!-\!1)^{k-1} (k-1)!)/s^k$
for a monic polynomial
of degree
It has the following direct consequence.
Corollary 2·5. For any fixed
$k \ge 1$
we have
$I^{(k)}(\xi) =(1+O_k(1/\log u))({e^{\xi}}/{\xi})\sim u$
$u \to \infty$
, and
$I^{(k)}(\xi+it) \ll_k \min\{u, e^{\xi(u)}/|\xi+it|\}$
uniformly for
$t \in \mathbb{R}$
The function I arises when studying
and its Laplace transform.
Lemma 2·6. [
Reference de Bruijn3
, equation (1·9)] [
Reference Alladi1
, equation (3·9)]. Let
be the Euler–Mascheroni constant. We have

$s \in \mathbb{C}$
. Uniformly for
$u \ge 1$

We have the following bounds on
Lemma 2·7. [
Reference Hildebrand and Tenenbaum10
, lemma 2·7] The following bounds hold for

2·3. T
We define the following function, holomorphic in the strip
$|\Im s | \lt 2\pi m$

The Bernoulli numbers
are defined by

This series converges for
$|\Im s| \lt 2\pi$
. It is known that
$B_i \ll i!/(2\pi)^i$
. It is then easy to see, from the estimate
$\int_{0}^{s} (e^t-1)t^{i-1} {\textrm{d}}t \ll |s|^{i-1} (|e^s|+|s|)$
which holds for
$\Re s \ge 0$
$i \ge 1$
, that

holds for
$k \ge 0$
$\sigma \in [0,\pi m]$
$t \in [\!-\pi m,\pi m]$
. Applying (2·5) with
we obtain
Corollary 2·8. [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, lemma 11]. For
$\sigma\in [0,\pi m]$
$t\in [\!-\pi m,\pi m]$

Applying (2·5) with
we obtain

$\xi(u) \le \pi m$
Lemma 2·9. Suppose
$\xi=\xi(u) \le \pi m$
. For any
$k \ge 1$
we have

If additionally
$t \in [\!-\pi m, \pi m]$
$T^{(k)}(\xi+it) \ll_k e^{\xi(u)}/m$
Proof. We have
$T'(s) = I'(s) g(s/m)$
$g(z)\;:\!=\;z/(1-e^{-z}) - 1$
. Repeated differentiation shows

We suppose that
$s=\xi(u) + it$
and that the inequalities
$\xi(u)\le \pi m$
$|t|\le \pi m$
are satisfied. From (2·8),

as our assumptions on s guarantee that
$g^{(i)}(s/m)\ll_i 1$
. We first suppose
and establish (2·7). Using (2·9) and the definition of g, the first equality in (2·7) will follow if we show that
$I^{(k-i)}(\xi(u)) \ll_k I^{(k)}(\xi(u))$
, which is a consequence of Corollary 2·5. The second equality in (2·7) follows from another application of Corollary 2·5. Finally, the claim for
$|t|\le \pi m$
) follows from (2·9) since
$|I^{(k)}(s)| \ll_k e^{\xi(u)}/|s|$
$|I^{(k-i)}(s)| \ll_k u$
$1\le i \le k-1$
) by Corollary 2·5 and
$|g(s/m)| \ll |s|/m$
$H_n\;:\!=\; \sum_{i=1}^{n} ({1}/{i})$
be the nth harmonic sum. By the Euler–Maclaurin formula,

3. Proof of Theorem 1·1
We break the theorem into a proposition and a lemma.
Proposition 3·1. Uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge 1$
we have

$\sqrt{n \log n}=O(m)$

In [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, corollaries 3, 5], (3·1) is proved in the narrower range
$n \ge m \ge n^{1/3}(\log n)^{2/3}$
Lemma 3·2. Uniformly for
$n \ge m \ge 1$
we have


We prove (3·1) in Section 3·1, and (3·2) in Sections 3·2–3·3. The proof of Lemma 3·2 is given in Section 3·4. To deduce Theorem 1·1, we combine (3·2) and Lemma 3·2 if
$m \ge \sqrt{n\log n}$
, and (3·1) and Lemma 3·2 if
$m\le \sqrt{n\log n}$
. Here we use
${u}/{m^2}+{1}/{m} +{u\log(u+1)}/{m^2}\ll {\log(u+1)}/{m}$
$m\ge \sqrt{n\log n}$
${1}/{u} + {u}/{m^2}+{1}/{m} +{u\log(u+1)}/{m^2}\ll {u\log^2(u+1)}/{m^2}$
$m\le \sqrt{n\log n}$
3·1. Proof of the first part of Proposition 3·1
Here we prove (3·1). If
$m=O(\log (u+1))$
then (3·1) follows from (1·4). Hence we suppose that
$m \ge C \log (u+1)$
from now on. Similarly, if
$u =O(1)$
then (3·1) is already in (1·4), so we suppose
$u \ge C$
. We define a function

so that x defined in (1·11) solves
, and (2·1) can be written as

We can write
$\log D(x)$

see [ Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13 , equation (40)] for the details. We set

and define
$\widetilde{u} \ge 1$

In this notation, (3·5) implies (using (2·4) with
in place of u, and (2·10)) that

$u \ge C$
. A short computation shows that
holds by the definition of
and x. Since
$T'(t) \ge 0$
$t \ge 0$
we have
$\widetilde{\xi}\le \xi$
and so, by the monotonicity of
, it follows that

By [ Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13 , equation (22)],

uniformly in
$m \ge \log u \gt 0$
. From (3·6) we see that, uniformly in
$m \ge \log u \gt 0$

We will be using (3·6) and (3·7) frequently. For
$m \ge \log u \gt 0$
we have

by [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, equation (23)]. Hence, since

$m \ge C\log (u+1) \gt 0$
. Since
$\xi'(t)\asymp 1/t$
$\xi''(t) =-\xi'(t)I^{(3)}(\xi(t))/I''(\xi(t))^2 \ll 1/t^2$
$t \ge C$

holds for
$m \ge C\log (u+1) \gt 0$
$u \ge C$
and so

$m \ge C\log (u+1) \gt 0$
$u \ge C$
. At this point, we have established that

holds in our range. We have
$\widetilde{\xi} \le \xi \le 2\log u \le \pi m$
by Lemma 2·3 and our assumption
$m \ge C\log(u+1)$
. By (2·6), (3·6) and (3·7),

in this range. We now have

$m \ge C\log (u+1)$
$u \ge C$
. Let
be the negative of the logarithmic derivative of
$\log \rho$
. We have

By integration by parts, we may write the integral in the exponent as

By [ Reference de la Bretèche and Tenenbaum5 , lemma 3·7], the estimates

hold uniformly for
$v \ge 1$
. Hence, using (3·6) and (3·7),

To conclude the proof, it remains to bound
. Since
$\xi'(t) \ll 1/t$

$m \ge C\log (u+1)$
, using (3·6) and (3·7). The proof of (3·1) is completed.
3·2. Preliminary lemmas for second part of Proposition 3·1
The following consequence of Cauchy’s integral formula is implicit in the proofs of [ Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13 , theorems 2,4].
Lemma 3·3. We have

The following lemma is implicit in the proof of [ Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13 , theorem 4].
Lemma 3·4. Suppose
$\sqrt{n\log n}=O(m)$
. Then

A variant of the next lemma is implicit in the proof of [ Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13 , theorem 2].
Lemma 3·5. Suppose
$\sqrt{n\log n}=O(m)$
$1+u\xi \le A \le m\pi$
. Then

The same bound holds if we integrate from
Proof. We have
$\hat{\rho}'(s) = \rho(s) (e^{-s}-1)/s$
. Integration by parts shows that the integral is equal to

By Corollary 2·8,
is bounded in our range of integration. In fact,
$T(-s)-T(\xi) \ll (e^{\xi}+|\Im s|)/m$
. Hence, the third case of Lemma 2·7 shows that

which is acceptable. As for the integral, we rearrange it using the definition of T:

By Corollary 2·8 and the Taylor expansion

in our range of integration. By the triangle inequality, the last integral is

where in the second inequality we used the third case of Lemma 2·7.
Lemma 3·6. Suppose
$0 \le B \le A$
. Then, for every
$k \ge 0$

The same is true if we integrate from
. In particular, for
$A\le \exp(c_k u/(\log (u+1))^2)$

Proof. Using the first two parts of Lemma 2·7, the triangle inequality shows that the integral is

and we now use (2·4).
Lemma 3·7. Fix
$k\ge 0$
. Let
for even m. Suppose
$\sqrt{n\log n}=O(m)$
$C_k\sqrt{\log(u+1)/u}\le A \le \exp(c_ku/(\log (u+1))^2)$
. Then, for even k,

and for odd k,

Proof. The contribution of
$A \ge |\Im s| \ge C_k\sqrt{\log (u+1)/u}$
is acceptable by Lemma 3·6. We may now assume that
$A=C_k\sqrt{\log (u+1)/u}$
. Recall
. We may Taylor-expand
using Corollary 2·5, obtaining that

$t^2 I''(\xi)=v^2$
, recalling
and using (2·4), the last expression can be written as

To conclude we apply estimates of gaussian integrals:
$\int_{-R}^{R} v^{2k+1}\exp(\!-v^2/2){\textrm{d}}v$
is 0,
$\int_{\mathbb{R}}|v|^k \exp(\!-v^2/2){\textrm{d}}v \ll_k 1$
$\int_{-R}^{R}v^{2k}\exp(\!-v^2/2){\textrm{d}}v =\sqrt{2\pi}\mu_{2k} + O_k(\exp(\!-R^2/4))$
3·3. Proof of the second part of Proposition 3·1
Here we prove (3·2) using the material in Section 3·2. If
$1+u\xi \gt m \pi$
the result is already included in the first part of Proposition 3·1, so we assume from now on that
$1+u\xi \le m \pi$
. From Lemma 3·3 we have

We have
$\exp(H_m-\gamma)/m =1+1/(2m)+O(m^{-2})$
by (2·10), and

by (2·6). Hence,

We separate the integral into 3 parts,
, where

The integral
was estimated in Lemma 3·4 and it gives the main term
as well an absolute error of size
$\ll e^{-(u-1)\xi}/n \ll e^{-u\xi} \log(u+1)/m$
. The integral
was estimated in Lemma 3·5 and it contributes
$\ll e^{-u\xi}\log(u+1)/m$
. We now study
. We use Lemma 2·9 to Taylor-expand
at 0:

$|\Im s| \le 1+u\xi$
. Applying Lemma 3·6 with
and Lemma 3·7 with
and collecting the terms gives

All in all, since
are both
$({u\log(u+1)}/{2m}) (1+o_{u\to\infty}(1))$
in our range by Lemma 2·9,

We are done, as we established, in stronger form, the second part of Proposition 3·1.
3·4. Proof of Lemma 3·2
We first show (3·3). Let
$r(t)=-\rho'(t)/\rho(t)\ge 0$
. We have

If u is bounded then the bound
$r(t)\ll 1$
$t \ll 1$
finishes the proof. If
$u \ge C$
we may differentiate r (it is differentiable for
$t \ge 2$
) and obtain

by integration by parts. To conclude, we use (3·8) to find

It remains to show (3·4). Set
$t_1 = n/(m+1/2)$
. It suffices to bound
$\log (\rho(t_2)/\rho(t_1))$
. Observe
$t_1\ge t_2$
. We have

$r(t)\ll \log(t+1)$
by (3·8) and Lemma 2·2. This completes the proof.
4. Proof of Theorem 1·2 and Corollary 1·3

Lemma 4·1. The estimate

holds uniformly for
$n \gt m \ge 1$
, where E is a quantity satisfying

Lemma 4·1 is a minor improvement on [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, theorem 1], which treats
$m\le \log n$
Proof. Recall the definitions of x and
given in (1·11) and (2·2). Following the proof of [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, theorem 1]Footnote
we have, borrowing the notation of [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, section 5],

$E= R\big(n^{-\frac{1}{m}}\big)$

for certain coefficients
defined in [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, lemma 13] and estimated in [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, lemma 15]. In particular,

$i \ge 1$

$i \ge 1$
. In the first displayed equation of [
Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13
, lemma 15] it is shown that
$b_i \ll i^{\frac{i}{m}-1}/m$
$m+1 \le i \le 2m-1$
. It implies

in the same range. Hence

It follows that

To conclude, we input the estimates for
given in Lemma 2·1.
4·1. Proof of Theorem 1·2

In view of Lemma 4·1 we have

$m=O(\log n)$
, and it remains to estimate S. We have

uniformly for
$1 \le i \le m-1$
. The estimate
$\Gamma(x+y)/\Gamma(x) \in [x(x+y)^{y-1},x^y]$
$y \in (0,1)$
Reference Wendel14
, equation (7)] implies


$i^{i/m}=1+O({i\log i}/{m})$
$i \lt m/\log (m+1)$
, we may write S as
$S= u(S_1+O(S_2+S_3))$
, where

We have

by bounding the tail of the Taylor series of
by a geometric series with ratio
. Similarly,

because the contribution of
$i \in [2^k,2^{k+1})$
$\ll (k+1)n^{-2^k/m}/(m(1-n^{-1/m}))$
$\sum_{k \ge 0}(k+1)n^{-2^k/m}\ll n^{-1/m}$
$m\ll \log n$
. As for

$i\mapsto (i/n)^{i/m}$
decreases for
$i \le n/e$
. Both
and the error term in
are dominated by our bound for
. It follows that

The error
$O(\log n)$
in (4·1) is absorbed in the error term in S when
$m \gt 1$
, and we are done.
4·2. Proof of Corollary 1·3
We first consider
$n \ge m \gt n/2$
. For
, so we may assume
$m\le n-1$
. We have exact formulas:
$\rho(u)=1-\log u$
. Hence

We are done since, in our range,

We now suppose
$n/2 \ge m \ge C \log n$
. We shall need the lower bound [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, theorem A·1]

which holds uniformly for
$n/2 \ge m \ge 1$
. We may assume
$n\ge C$
, since for bounded n we just want to show
$B_2\rho(u) \ge p_{n,m}\ge B_1\rho(u)$
for constants
$B_2\ge B_1 \gt 1$
which follows from (4·2) and (1·4). If u is sufficiently large then it follows from Proposition 3·1 that, using the same definition for A as in the statement of the corollary,

as needed. If
then the same argument establishes
$A \le Cu\log ( 1+ (\log u)/m)$
and a matching lower bound in this range follows from (4·2).
Finally we suppose
$m=O(\log n)$
. From (1·1) we have

If n is sufficiently large and
$1\le m\le C\log n$

$t/(1-e^{-t}) \ge 1+c$
$t=(\log n)/m\ge 1/C$
. This finishes the proof.
Remark 3. When
$m=O(\log n)$
the proof above shows more: setting
$t\;:\!=\;(\log n)/m$

holds, where A is as in the statement of Corollary 1·3.
5. Proofs of results in the polynomial setting
We recall we can write

are nonnegative numbers, depending on q, that are described in [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, lemma 2·1] and satisfy

5·1. Proof of Theorem 1.5
We suppose that
$n \ge m \ge \sqrt{10n\log n}$
. This guarantees
$2^{m/3} \gt 1+ m(\log 2)/3 \ge 1 + 2u\log u \ge 1+u\xi = e^{\xi}$
, where we used Lemma 2·3 in the last inequality. Hence

An application of Cauchy’s integral formula allows us to express

see [ Reference Manstavičius and Petuchovas13 , section 4]. In the same way,

see e.g. [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, section 4]. Since
has radius of convergence equal to q, we must ensure that
$e^{\xi/m} \lt q$
in order for the last integral to be valid, and this holds by (5·3). By taking a linear combination of (5·4) and (5·5), and using (2·10) we have


$p_{n,m} \gg \rho(u)$
$m \ge \sqrt{10n\log n}$
by (1·4), it follows that

We must show
$X \ll \rho(u) \log(u+1)/(mq^{\lceil(m+1)/2\rceil})$
. To bound X, we consider separately the contribution of
$|\Re s| \le 1+u\xi$
$m\pi \ge |\Re s| \ge 1+u\xi$
. We start with
$|\Re s | \le 1+u\xi$
. Let

so that the integrand in X is
$\hat{\rho}(s) e^{us} H_T(s)$
. We Taylor-expand
, where it attains 0:
$H_T(s) = (s+\xi)b_1 + O(|s+\xi|^2 b_2)$

Applying Lemma 3·6 with
and Lemma 3·7 with
, it follows that

We now consider the contribution of
$\pi m \ge |\Re s| \ge 1+u\xi$
. We focus on
$m\pi \ge \Re s \ge 1+u\xi$
, and negative
$\Re s$
is handled the same say. We have
$\hat{\rho}(s) = 1/s + O(u\log (u+1) /|s|^2)$
in this range by the third part of Lemma 2·7. The contribution of
$O(u\log (u+1)/|s|^2)$


We study the last piece of the integral,

We write
. When
$1+u\xi \le t \le \pi m$
we have
$e^{T(-s)}-1=O(|s|/m + |s|^2/m^2)$
by Corollary 2·8. Applying the triangle inequality we get


We estimate

Using the notation in (5·1) and the bound in (5·2), it follows that

Hence the integral in (5·6) equals

$u \lt 3$
$G_q(e^{\xi/m})-1\ll 1/(mq^{\lceil (m+1)/2\rceil})$
, implying Theorem 1·5 is already in (1·6). From now on we assume
$u \ge 3$
. We have the estimate

which is valid for all
$2m\ge j \ge 0$
$u \ge 3$
, and is established by integration by parts. It follows that the integral (5·6) contributes

Collecting the estimates,

Recall we want to show
$X \ll \rho(u) \log(u+1)/(mq^{\lceil(m+1)/2\rceil})$
. We have
$e^{-u\xi}\ll_k \rho(u) u^{-k}$
for any k by (2·4), showing that the last term in (5·8) is acceptable and that it suffices to show
$b_i \ll u\log(u+1)/(mq^{\lceil(m+1)/2\rceil})$
is bounded when
$|t|\le \pi m$
by Corollary 2·8, it follows that
$b_3 \ll b_4$
. By (5·7) and the triangle inequality,
$b_4 \ll u\log(u+1)/(mq^{\lceil(m+1)/2\rceil})$
. To bound
we use the fact that T and its derivatives are bounded by Lemma 2·9 in order to reduce the problem to showing

holds for
. For
this is in (5·7), for
we have

and a similar computation holds for
. This completes the proof of Theorem 1·5.
5·2. Proof of Corollary 1·6
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
. We assume
$n \ge m \ge (2+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
and we want to establish (1·10) in this range. We already know (1·10) holds in
$n/(\log n \log^3\log(n+1)) \ge m \ge (2+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
, so we may suppose
$n \ge m \gt n/(\log n \log^3\log(n+1))$
then (1·10) becomes
$p_{n,m,q}=p_{n,m}G_q(x) + O_{n,\varepsilon}(G_q(x)/q^{\lceil (m+1)/2\rceil})$
. To establish this, recall
$p_{n,m,q}=p_{n,m} + O(1/q^{\lceil (m+1)/2\rceil})$
by [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, proposition 1·5] and observe that
$G_q(x) = 1+O_{n,\varepsilon}(1/q^{\lceil (m+1)/2\rceil})$
by (5·1) and (5·2).
From now on we may suppose n is sufficiently large. In particular,
$n \gt \sqrt{10 n \log n}$
holds, and
$n \ge m \gt n/(\log n \log^3\log(n+1))$
$n \ge m \ge \sqrt{10 n \log n}$
. We apply Theorem 1·5, and see that it suffices to show that

holds for
$n\ge m \ge \sqrt{10 n \log n}$
. First we verify that
$x \lt \sqrt[3]{2}$
. Since
$x \le n^{1/m}$
, it suffices to show that
$2^m \gt n^3$
, which follows from
$n \ge m \ge \sqrt{10n\log n}$
. Now that we know
converges absolutely at x we proceed. The relation
$x^m = e^{\xi}(1+O(\log(u+1)/m))$
from (3·6) implies

5·3. Auxiliary computation
defined in (1·7). We define
$x_q\;:\!=\;x_{n,m,q} \lt q$
as the unique positive solution to
$z F_q'(z)/F_q(z) = n$
. The next lemma gives precise results on
in certain ranges.
Lemma 5·1. If
$n \ge m \ge 1$
$x_q \le x$
. Fix q and
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
. For
$n \ge C_{q,\varepsilon}$
$m \in [(3/4)\log_q n, (2-\varepsilon)\log_q n]$

Proof. We shall use the form of
given in (5·1). Let
$f(z)\;:\!=\;z(\log F(z))' = \sum_{i=1}^{m} z^i$
$g_q(z) \;:\!=\; z(\log G_q(z))'= \sum_{i=m+1}^{\infty}a_i z^i$
. By definition,

Since f and
have nonnegative coefficients, the first part of the lemma follows at once. We now assume
$(2-\varepsilon)\log_q n \ge m \ge (3/4)\log_q n $
. We use (5·10) to determine the size of
. By the mean value theorem,

for some
$t \in [0,g_q(x_q)]$
, where
is the inverse of f. Since
and f’ are monotone increasing we have
$f'(f^{-1}(n-t)) \in [f'(x_q), f'(x)]$
and so

We have the trivial bounds
$1 \le x\le n^{1/m} \ll_q 1$
and so
$f'(x) = \lambda/x \asymp_q nm$
by Lemma 2·1. We also have

$a_i \ge 0$
$a_{2m} \gg q^{-m}$
by [
Reference Gorodetsky8
, lemma 2·1]. It follows that

Reference Manstavičius12
, lemma 2 and theorem 2] estimate
and yield that, when
$2\log_q n \ge m \ge (3/4)\log_q n$

implying the desired lower bound on
. To prove the upper bound, first observe that
$m \le (2-\varepsilon)\log_q n$
implies, via (5·11), that
$x_q \ge q^{1/2}(1+c_{q,\varepsilon})$
if n is sufficiently large, and so

using the bounds in (5·2). To conclude we need to lower bound
. We have
$f'(x_q) = x_q^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{m} i x_q^i \gg_{q} m x_q^m$
5·4. Proof of Theorem 1·7
Recall the functions F,
are defined in (1·8), (1·7) and (1·9). If
$m \to \infty$
$u\ge (\log \log m)^3 \log m$
, Manstavičius proved in [
Reference Manstavichyus11,Reference Manstavičius12
] that


We divide (5·12) by (2·1), and use the fact that
is asymptotic to nm by Lemma 2·1 as long as
$u \to \infty$
, and

by [
Reference Manstavičius12
, theorem 2] as long as
$u \to \infty$
$m \to \infty$
, to obtain

$n \to \infty$
$(2-\varepsilon)\log_q n \ge m \gt \log_q n$
. Letting

we can write (5·14) as

By definition,
. By Taylor-expanding

for some
$t \in [x_q,x]$
$x_q \le x$
by Lemma 5·1). In the range
$(2-\varepsilon)\log_q n \ge m \gt \log_q n$
we have
$x\asymp_q x_q \asymp_q 1$
by Lemma 2·1 and (5·11). In the notation of (5·1),

is increasing for
$t \gt 0$
$a_i \ge 0$
. It follows that

A short computation shows that
$x_q^2 H_q''(x_q)=\lambda_q$
holds by the definition of
. By (5·13) it then follows that
$x_q^2 H_q''(x_q) \asymp_q nm$
$(2-\varepsilon)\log_q n \ge m \gt \log_q n$
. In the same range we find that
$x^2 H_q''(x) = \lambda +\sum_{i=m+1}^{\infty}(i-1)a_i x^i \ll_{q,\varepsilon} nm$
using Lemma 2·1 and the bounds in (5·2). Hence
$H_q''(t) \asymp_{q,\varepsilon} nm$

where we used Lemma 5·1 in the second estimate. Plugging this estimate in (5·15), and observing that
$(1+ ({n}/{q^m})(1-{1}/{q}))^{-1/2} \sim 1$
holds in the range
$m\ge (1+\varepsilon)\log_q n$
considered in Theorem 1·7, concludes the proof.
5·5. A variant
We prove a variant of Theorem 1·7 with the main term
replaced by
Theorem 5·2. Fix q and
$\varepsilon \gt 0$
. For
$m \in [(3/4)\log_q n, (2-\varepsilon)\log_q n]$
we have

$n \to \infty$
. If furthermore
$n \ge C_{q,\varepsilon}$

Proof. In very much the same way (5·14) is proved, we also have

$u \ge (\log \log m)^3 \log m$
. Letting

we can write (5·17) as

By definition,
$H'(x) = 0$
. By Taylor-expanding H at x,

for some
$t \in [x_q,x]$
. Since
$t^2 H''(t) = \sum_{i=2}^{m} (i-1)t^i +n$
is increasing in t, and
$x \asymp_q x_q \asymp_q 1$
by Lemma 2·1 and (5·11), it follows that

We have
$x^2 H''(x)=\lambda \asymp nm$
by Lemma 2·1 when
$(2-\varepsilon)\log_q n \ge m \ge (3/4)\log_q n$
. Lemma 5·1 bounds
. This gives the first part of (5·16) (we bound the factor
$(1+ ({n}/{q^m})(1-{1}/{q}))^{-1/2}$
by 1). We have
$x_q^2 H''(x_q) \ge (m-1)x_q^m \gg_q m \min\{n,q^m\}$
by (5·11), which leads to the second part of (5·16) (we absorb
$(1+ ({n}/{q^m})(1-{1}/{q}))^{-1/2}$
in the exponential factor in right-hand side of (5·16)).
It remains to estimate
. For a lower bound we use
$\log G_q(x_q) \ge a_{2m} x_q^{2m}/(2m) \gg x_q^{2m}/(mq^m)$
. Here we used
$a_i \ge 0$
$a_{2m} \asymp q^{-m}$
Reference Gorodetsky8
, lemma 2·1]. This is simplified using (5·11). For the upper bound we use
$a_{i} \ll \min\{q^{-\lceil i/2\rceil},q^{m-i}\}$
$x_q \ge q^{1/2}(1+c_{q,\varepsilon})$
to obtain
$\log G_q(x_q) \ll_{q,\varepsilon} x_q^{2m}/( mq^m(1-x_q/q))$
. We again simplify
using (5·11).
We thank Andrew Granville for valuable comments on the presentation. We are grateful to the anonymous referees for helpful comments on exposition as well as a simplification of the proof of Lemma 2·1. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 851318).