D F Holt, Mathematics Institute|University of Warwick
E L Mansfield, SMSAS, Mathematics|University of Kent
R M Thomas, Department of Computer Science |University of Leicester
Professor A Iserles, DAMTP|University of Cambridge
Editorial Advisor
G D Brown, Loughborough University, UK
Professor M Buhmann, Justus-Liebig-University, Germany
Professor J-M Couveignes, Université Toulouse 2, France
D Crisan, Imperial College London, UK
N P Dummigan, University of Sheffield, UK
M Fernández , King’s College London, UK
T A Fisher, University of Cambridge, UK
S D Galbraith, University of Auckland, New Zealand
L A Gasieniec, University of Liverpool, UK
Professor L A Goldberg , University of Liverpool, UK
Professor M Grohe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
P Hydon, University of Surrey, UK
I Kapovich , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Professor W S Kendall, University of Warwick, UK
Professor K Kunen †, University of Wisconsin, USA
M Leok, University of Camifornia, San Diego, USA
J Levesley, University of Leicester, UK
M Lohrey, Universität Siegen, Germany
Professor E L Mansfield, University of Kent, UK
F G Moller, Swansea University, UK
J-É Pin, Université Paris – Diderot Paris 7, France
Professor B Poonen , Massachusetts Institute of of Technology, USA
Professor S Reich, University of Potsdam, Germany
C M Roney-Dougal , University of St Andrews, UK
Professor R E Schwartz , University of St Andrews, USA
S Siksek, University of Warwick, UK
Professor I A Stewart, University of Leicester, UK
Professor I A Stewart, University of Cambridge, UK
Professor I A Stewart, University of Durham, UK
A G Thomason , University of Cambridge, UK
J P Wang, University of Kent, UK
A Zanna, University of Bergen, Norway