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Recherches Archéologiques Tuniso-Françaises à Rougga, I. Le Forum et Ses Abords (Fouilles 1971–1974) Edited by Maurice Euzennat and Hédi Slim. Archaeology of the Maghreb, 2. Archaeopress, Oxford, 2020. ISBN 978-1-78969-825-1 (paperback) / 978-1-78969-826-8 (open access e-Pdf), pp. 518, 214 figs., 54 tables. Price: £85.00 (paperback).
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Recherches Archéologiques Tuniso-Françaises à Rougga, I. Le Forum et Ses Abords (Fouilles 1971–1974) Edited by Maurice Euzennat and Hédi Slim. Archaeology of the Maghreb, 2. Archaeopress, Oxford, 2020. ISBN 978-1-78969-825-1 (paperback) / 978-1-78969-826-8 (open access e-Pdf), pp. 518, 214 figs., 54 tables. Price: £85.00 (paperback).
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 July 2021
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- Part 3: Book Reviews
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- Copyright © The Society for Libyan Studies 2021
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