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Die Spätantiken Sigillata- und Lampentöpfereien von El Mahrine (Nordtunesien): Studien zur Nordafrikanischen Feinkeramik des 4. bis 7. Jahrhunderts. By M. Mackensen with a contribution by Sebastian Stortz. Pp. 679, three colour plates, 135 text figures, 89 tables and one pull-out supplement of illustrations. Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Band 50, 2 vols. C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchehandlung, Munich1993. ISBN: 3 406 37015 2. Price DM 138.
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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 March 2015

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- Book Reviews
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- Copyright © Society for Libyan Studies 1998
1 Pavolini, C. ‘Decorazioni di Navigius o di altro tipo. Forme VIII c IX’, and Anselmino, L. ‘Decorazioni di tipo C2-C4 e Di-D2. Forme X, XII’, in EAA: Atlante della forme ceramiche I, Roma (1981) 192–204Google Scholar (henceforth Atlante).
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