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Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, by Harvey Teff. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2009, xxii + 190 + (bibliography + index) 15pp (£30 hardback). ISBN 978-1-84113-216-7.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018

- Type
- Book Review
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- Copyright © Society of Legal Scholars 2010
37. Byrne v Great Southern and Western Railway Co (unreported) February 1884 (Irish CA).
38. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 5.
39. Ibid, p 1.
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid, p. 4.
42. White v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police[1992] 1 AC 310.
43. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 5. See also pp 12–18. These features are also dealt with more comprehensively by Teff in ch 5.
44. Ibid, p 40.
45. Ibid, p 43. See, eg, the seminal cases of Bell v Great Northern Railway Co of Ireland (1890) 26 LR Ir 428; Victorian Railways Commissioners v Coultas (1888) 13 App. Cas (PC); Dulieu v White & Sons[1901] 2 KB 669, discussed by Teff at pp 43–46.
46. Ibid, p 46.
47. See, eg, Hambrook v Stokes Bros[1925] 1 KB 141; Bourhill v Young[1943] AC 92; King v Phillips[1953] 1 QB 429; Boardman v Sanderson[1964] 1 WLR 1317; Chadwick v British Railway Board[1967] 1 WLR 912, discussed by Teff at pp 46–52.
48. [1970] 2 QB 40.
49. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 54.
50. [1983] 1 AC 410.
51. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 57.
52. Ibid, p 64.
53. Ibid.
54. Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police[1992] 1 AC 310.
55. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, pp 63–64.
56. Ibid, p 74.
57. [1996] AC 155.
58. Ibid, at 190. See Teff, p 74.
59. Ibid, at 197. See Teff, p 76.
60. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 93.
61. White, above n 42, at 502. See Teff, pp 93–94.
62. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 95.
63. See, eg, W v Essex Council[2001] 2 AC 592; McLoughlin v Jones[2002] 2 WLR 1279 (CA), discussed at pp 99–103.
64. See AB v Tameside and Glossop Health Authority[1997] 8 Med LR 91 (CA); Allin v City and Hackney Health Authority[1996] 7 Med LR 167; Farrell v Avon Health Authority[2001] Lloyd's Rep Med 458, discussed by Teff at pp 103–109.
65. See, eg, Grieves v FT Everard[2007] UKHL 39, [2008] AC 281. See Teff, pp 109–113.
66. See, eg, North Glamorgan NHS Trust v Walters[2003] Lloyd's Rep Med 49; Taylor v Somerset Health Authority (1993) 4 Med LR 34; Tredget and Tredget v Bexley Health Authority[1994] 5 Med LR 178; Tan v East London and City Health Authority[1999] Lloyd's Rep Med 389; Froggatt v Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital NHS Trust[2002] All ER (D) 218; Ward v Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust[2004] Lloyd's Rep Med 530. See Teff, pp 113–121.
67. See, eg, Phelps v Hillingdon London Borough Council[2001] 2 AC 619. See Teff, pp 122–124.
68. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 98.
69. (2002) 211 CLR 317.
70. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 131.
71. Ibid, pp 131–132.
72. Ibid, p 135.
73. Department of the Treasury Review of the Law of Negligence: Final Report (Canberra: Department of the Treasury, 2002) (Ipp Report). See pp 135–137.
74. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 139.
75. Ibid, pp 141–142.
76. Ibid, p 141.
77. Ibid. See pp 2, 18–20, 29–30 and 33–34.
78. (1888) 13 App Cas 222. See further Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, pp 43–44.
79. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 149.
80. Ibid.
81. Ibid, p 150.
82. Ibid, pp 149–170.
83. Ibid, pp 157–158.
84. See, eg, the discussion on sources for empirical research in D Marshall ‘Compensation culture’[2003] Journal of Personal Injury Law 79 at 81 and F Furedi Courting Mistrust: The Hidden Growth of a Culture of Litigation in Britain (London: Centre for Policy Studies, 1999) pp 9–10.
85. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 22.
86. Ibid, pp 23–24.
87. Walker v Northumberland County Council[1995] 1 All ER 737, [1995] IRLR 35; Sutherland v Hatton[2002] EWCA Civ 76, [2002] 2 All ER 1; [2002] IRLR 263, affirmed by the House of Lords in Barber v Somerset County Council[2004] UKHL 13, [2004] 2 All ER 385, [2004] 1 WLR 1089.
88. Causing Psychiatric and Emotional Harm, p 26.
89. Ibid, p 162.
90. Ibid.
91. Ibid, p 163. See, eg, Barber, above n 87.
92. Ibid. Koehler v Cerebos (Australia) Ltd[2005] 79 ALJR 845.
93. Ibid, p 164, fnn 156 and 157.
94. Ibid, p 170.
95. Ibid, p 172.
96. Ibid.
97. Ibid.
98. Ibid. See case-law at pp 172–174.
99. Ibid. See p 174. See especially Tame and Annetts, above n 69, and pp 130–139.
100. Ibid, p 174. See especially van Soest v Residual Health Management Unit[2000] 1 NZLR 179, with further detail on pp 2, 9, 14 and 53–54.
101. Ibid, p 175.
102. Ibid.
103. Ibid, p 176.
104. Ibid.
105. Ibid, pp 176–177.
106. See ibid, pp 177–185.
107. Ibid, p 177. See P Bell ‘The bell tolls: toward full recovery for psychic injury’ (1984) 36 University of Florida Law Review 333.
108. Ibid, p 178.
109. Ibid.
110. Ibid.
111. Ibid, p 184.
112. Ibid, p 179.
113. Ibid, p 184.
114. Ibid.
115. See further ibid, pp 75–83.
116. Ibid, p 185.
117. Ibid, p 186.
118. Ibid, p 185.
119. Ibid, p 188.
120. Ibid, p 189.
121. Ibid, pp 190.
122. See, eg, K Wheat Napier and Wheat's Recovering Damages for Psychiatric Injury (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2nd edn, 2002); N Mullany and P Handford Mullany and Handford's Tort Liability for Psychiatric Damage (Sydney: Thomson, 2nd edn, 2006).