No CrossRef data available.
06–521Barbera, Michele (Munich, Germany;, The HyperLearning Project: Towards a distributed and semantically structured e-research and e-learning platform. Literary and Linguistic Computing (Oxford University Press) 21.1 (2006), 77–82.
06–522Bean, Wendy, STELLA: Professional Learning Pilot Project. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy (Australian Literacy Educators' Association) 29.1 (2006), 79–86.
06–523Commins, Nancy L. & Ofelia B. Miramontes (U Colorado-Boulder, USA), Addressing linguistic diversity from the outset. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 57.3 (2006), 240–246.
06–524Darling-Hammond, Linda (Stanford U, USA;, Assessing teacher education: The usefulness of multiple measures for assessing program outcomes. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 57.2 (2006), 120–138.
06–525Fahmi Bataineh, Ruba & Lamma Hmoud Zghoul (Yarmouk U, Irbid, Jordan), Jordanian TEFL graduate students' use of critical thinking skills (as measured by the Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Level Z). International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Multilingual Matters) 9.1 (2006), 33–50.
06–526Fallon, Daniel (Carnegie Corporation of New York, USA), The buffalo upon the chimneypiece: The value of evidence. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 57.2 (2006), 139–154.
06–527Grant, Carl A. (U Wisconsin-Madison, USA) & Maureen Gillette, A candid talk to teacher educators about effectively preparing teachers who can teach everyone's children. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 57.3 (2006), 292–299.
06–528Kaí-Cheung Poon, Franky (Tai Po Secondary School, Hong Kong, China), Hong Kong English, China English and World English. English Today (Cambridge University Press) 22.2 (2006), 23–28.
06–529McDonough, Kim (Northern Arizona U, USA;, Action research and the professional development of graduate teaching assistants. The Modern Language Journal (Blackwell) 90.1 (2006), 33–47.
06–530Mullock, Barbara (U New South Wales, Sydney, Australia;, The pedagogical knowledge base of four TESOL teachers. The Modern Language Journal (Blackwell) 90.1 (2006), 48–66.
06–531O'Dwyer, Shaun (David English House, Japan/U New South Wales, Australia;, The English teacher as facilitator and authority. TESL-EJ ( 9.4 (2006), 15 pp.
06–532Otero, Valerie K. (U Colorado-Boulder, USA), Moving beyond the ‘get it or don't’ conception of formative assessment. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 57.3 (2006), 240–246.
06–533Rybicki, Jan (Kraków Pedagogical U, Poland;, Burrowing into translation: Character idiolects in Henryk Sienkiewicz's Trilogy and its two English translations. Literary and Linguistic Computing (Oxford University Press) 21.1 (2006), 91–103.
06–534Son, Jeong-Bae (U Southern Queensland, Australia;, Using online discussion groups in a CALL teacher training course. RELC Journal (Sage) 37.1 (2006), 123–135.
06–535Velazquez-Torres, Nancy (Metropolitan College of New York, USA;, How well are ESL teachers being prepared to integrate technology in their classrooms?TESL-EJ ( 9.4 (2006), 28 pp.