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04–395 Abendroth-Timmer, Dagmar (U. of Bremen, Germany). Evaluation bilingualer Module aus Schülerperspektive: zur Lernbewusstheit und ihrer motivationalen Wirkung. [Evaluation of bilingual modules from the learners' perspective: learning awareness and its motivational effect.] Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht (Alberta, Canada), 9, 2 (2004), 27.
04–396 Creese, Angela (Birmingham U., UK; Email: Bilingual teachers in mainstream secondary school classrooms: using Turkish for curriculum learning. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 7, 2&3 (2004), 189–203.
04–397 Dauster, Judith. Bilingualer Unterricht an verschiedenen Schulformen und seine Akzeptanz bei Schülern und Elter. [Bilingual teaching in various schools and its acceptance by pupils and parents.] Neusprachliche Mittelungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (Berlin, Germany), 3 (2004), 156–167.
04–398 Kielhöfer, Bernd. Strukturen und Entwicklungen bilingualer Sprachfähigkeit in der zweisprachigen Grundschule – eine Evaluation an der Berliner Europa-Schule Judith Kerr. [Patterns and developments of bilingual language competency in a bilingual primary school – an evaluation carried out in a Judith Kerr Europe-school in Berlin.] Neusprachliche Mittelungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (Berlin, Germany), 3 (2004), 168–175.
04–399 Morgan, Brian (York U., Toronto, Canada; Email: Teacher identity as pedagogy: towards a field-internal conceptualisation in bilingual and second language education. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 7, 2&3 (2004), 172–188.
04–400 Rymes, Betsy (U. of Georgia,USA; Email: Contrasting zones of comfortable competence: popular culture in a phonics lesson. Linguistics and Education (New York, USA), 14 (2004), 321–335.
04–401 Theis, Rolf and Werkman, Robert. Kann der Englischunterricht von bilingualen Modellen lernen? Eine empirische Untersuchung. [What the traditional approach to teach English as a foreign language can learn from bilingual models? An empirical investigation.] Neusprachliche Mittelungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (Berlin, Germany), 3 (2004), 145–155.
04–402 Valdés, Guadalupe (Stanford U., USA; Email: Between support and marginalisation: the development of academic language in linguistic minority children. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 7, 2&3 (2004), 102–132.
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