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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 March 2011
page 598 note 1 Translation:—
2. During the very night when Lord Vîra breathed his last one named Palaka became king of the land. He reigned for sixty years. … .
12. In the kingdom of Ujjayinî flourished Vikramâditya, four hundred and seventy years after the death of Vra.
page 599 note 1 Translation:—
Drupada wandered over the earth to find means of securing a son (who could defeat Droṇa), and Droṇa occupied the country of Ahichhattra.
It was in this way that Arjuna won in battle the town of Ahichhattrâ, together with the country, and made it over to Droṇa
2 Another lexicon, Śabdârtha-chintâmaṇi-kośa, reads as
3 Translation:—
O Parvatî! to the west of Kurukṣetra, to the north a distance of 80 kos from Indraprastha, lay the country of Pañchâla, adorned with pride and beauty.