Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 May 2009
The following paper is to be regarded as the sequel of that published in the preceding number of this Journal, on the rate of growth and distribution of young marine fishes. I am still continuing inquiries of this character, and have now to record the additional results obtained up to the end of March, 1892. I have also described and criticised some of the results of other workers in the same field.
* See Aarsberetning, 1886, of Selskabet for de Norske Fiskeriers Fremme, Bergen; Beretning om Flödevigens Udklækningsanstalts Virksomhed i Femaaret, 1883—1888, Arendal, 1889.
* Thus the weight of fish in a box is 123 grammes; this amount of fish when fresh would weigh twice as much, or 250 grammes nearly. Therefore if we divide 250 by the number of fish to a box we get the average weight of a single fresh fish. For instance, 12 to a box means fish each of which weighs 20.8 grammes. Again, Pouchet gives a curve of the relation between the weight and length of the sardine based upon actual observations, and from this we find that a weight of 20.8 grammes correspond to a length of about 13.6 cm., a result which agrees with my own observations.
* Bijdrage tot de kennis der levenswjze en der voortplanting van de ansjovis, Verslag van den Staat der Nederlandsche Zeevisscherijen over 1885, Bijlage ii.
* Die Sardelle (Engraulis encrasicholus, L.), Mittheilungen der Sektion für und Küsten und Hochseefischerei der deutschen Fischerei Vereins, Jahrgang 1892.
* Verslag Nederlandsche Zeevisschereien over 1886, Bijlage iv.
† Vol. i, N.S., p. 334.
* Published separately and also as Supplementband II of the Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging. Leiden, 1888.