Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Williamson, John B.
Social Security Privatization: Lessons from the United Kingdom.
SSRN Electronic Journal,
Lunz, Patrick
What's Left of the Left? Partisanship and the Political Economy of Labour Market Reform: Why Has the Social Democratic Party in Germany Liberalised Labour Markets?.
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Goerres, Achim
Karlsen, Rune
Kumlin, Staffan
Under Pressure: Argumentative Patterns of Pressures and Opportunities for Welfare State Reforms in Three Affluent Welfare States.
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Pilati, Katia
Myrberg, Gunnar
Morales, Laura
Eggert, Nina
Service Delivery or Political Mobilization? Explaining Migrant Engagement in Voluntary Organizations Across European Cities.
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