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Detritus, disease and death in the city - Xavier Dupré Raventós y Josep-Anton Remolà, SORDES URBIS. LA ELIMINACIÓN DE RESIDUOS EN LA CIUDAD ROMANA. ACTAS DE LA REUNIÓN DE ROME (15-16 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1996) (Bibliotheca Italica: Monografías de la Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma n° 24; L'Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2000). Pp. xv + 150, 38 figs. ISBN 88-8265-082-0. - Valerie M. Hope and Eireann Marshall (edd.), DEATH AND DISEASE IN THE ANCIENT CITY (Routledge, London 2000). Pp. xii + 194. ISBN 0-415-21427-0. £45.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 February 2015

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- Copyright © Journal of Roman Archaeology L.L.C. 2002
1 The starting point is Scobie's, A. classic “Slums, sanitation and mortality in the Roman world,” Klio 68 (1986) 399–433 CrossRefGoogle Scholar. More recently, see Wilson, A. I., “Drainage and sanitation,” in Wikander, Ö. (ed.), Handbook of ancient water technology (Leiden 2000) 151–79, with bibliographyGoogle Scholar.
2 Cf. the letting of a contract for the operation of an urban water-supply implied in P. Lond. 1177.
3 On the Pisa ships see Bruni, S., Le navi antiche di Pisa: ad un anno dall'inizio delle ricerche/The ancient ships of Pisa: after a year of work (Firenze 2000)Google Scholar.
4 Published by Pomey, P., “Les épaves grecques et romaines de la place Jules-Verne à Marseille,” CRAI 1995, 459–84Google Scholar.
5 There are some errors in the Greek and Latin quotations in this paper: on 80, for read ἀσάρωτος; for captis infuscans read capitis infuscans; on 91, for υὴ read μὴ.
6 Lloyd, J. A. et al., “Excavations at Euesperides (Benghazi): an interim report on the 1998 season,” LibStud 29 (1998) 150 Google Scholar.
7 E.g., the Maison de Dionysos et des Quatre Saisons in the NE quarter at Volubilis: Étierme, R., “Maisons et hydraulique dans le quartier nord-est à Volubilis,” PubServAntMaroc 10 (1954) 25-211, at p. 65 Google Scholar.
8 Athens: Ar., Ath. Pol. 60.1 Google Scholar; Liebeschuetz, in Sordes Urbis 56 Google Scholar. Euesperides: Buzaian, A. M. and Lloyd, J. A., “Early urbanism in Cyrenaica: new evidence from Euesperides (Benghazi),” LibStud 27 (1996) 146–48Google Scholar. The ongoing excavations show that street surfaces are packed with domestic rubbish — potsherds, animal bones, fishbones and shellfish. In one instance a particularly dense scatter of refuse lay immediately outside a house entrance — kitchen scraps had evidently been thrown out the door.
9 Lloyd, J., Excavations at Sidi Khrebish (Benghazi) vol. I (Suppl. to LibAnt 4, London 1977) 99–100 Google Scholar.
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