Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 June 2009
A new species Renicola glacialis sp. nov., belonging to the trematode genus Renicola, is described.
The species is distinguished from most other renicolids by its relatively large size. Two other species within this size range have been recorded; while it is easy to separate R. glacialis from one of these species (R. goliath Wright, 1957) the poor description of the other (R. secunda Skrjabin, 1924) renders a detailed comparison meaningless. However, the differences in host and geographic location between this and R. glacialis are considered sufficiently great to justify the erection of a new species.
The pathology of R. glacialis is discussed; recently established worms elicit only a slight host tissue response, but older infections are invested by a thick connective tissue sheath. The latter shows maximum development around dead worms and is accompanied by pronounced eosinophilia.
Attention has been drawn to the use of the excretory vesicle as a diagnostic character. Four distinctly different forms have been described, and it is suggested that this character, together with certain other morphological features, would provide a useful key for the identification of renicolids once such information is available.