If ice containing entrapped gas bubbles is deformed to large strains it is inevitable that the deformation will lead to coalescence of the bubbles. The coalescence process is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1a depicts two bubbles whose separation in the vertical direction is less than the diameter of the bubbles. Large shear deformation causes the two bubbles to collide, as shown in Figure 1b. The phenomena of surface tension and diffusion have turned the coalesced bubbles in Figure 1c into a spherical shape.

Fig. 1 Bubble coalescence. (a) Before meeting. Upper bubble moves to right with respect to lower bubble. (b) Just after meeting. (c) After spheroidization of coalesced bubbles
The degree of coalescence of an initially random dispersion of gas bubbles in ice indicates a measure of the total amount of plastic deformation the ice has suffered. Therefore, an analysis of bubble coalescence offers a source of information concerning the deformation of ice which is particularly valuable in the study of the total deformation of ice in glaciers and ice sheets.
In this paper we will derive the equation for the rate of bubble coalescence. The change in bubble size caused by the application of hydrostatic pressure will be taken into account. We also will examine the complications arising from the fact that bubbles can migrate down temperature gradients. It is assumed throughout this paper that the processes causing spheroidization of the bubbles act so fast that the bubbles can always be considered to be spheres.
Consider again Figure 1. Let a be the average value of the radius of the bubbles at any given instant in time. Let C be the number of bubbles per unit volume and let V represent the total volume of the bubbles per unit volume. Thus V = (4π/3)Ca 3. Let

The average velocity of approach of two bubbles that can collide is of the order of

If the hydrostatic pressure P is constant so that V is a constant the concentration decays exponentially with total strain according to the equation

where C 0 is the initial bubble concentration, ϵ is the total strain

The characteristic decay strain ϵ 0 is a large number. If V = 0.1, ϵ 0 = 8, which is a total shear strain of 800 per cent. The coalescence effect is important only for total plastic strains of this order of magnitude or larger.
Application to Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves
The coalescence effect may be used to determine the total plastic deformation of ice sheets, ice shelves and glaciers. Air bubbles are entrapped in the ice of such ice masses during the sintering of the firn layer. The analysis of the rate of coalescence is complicated by the fact that the hydrostatic pressure does not remain constant. The volume fraction V of Equation (1) should be replacedFootnote * by V 0 P 0/P, where V 0 is the fractional volume of the bubbles at the instant the pores in the firn layer close off from each other, and P 0 is the overburden pressure plus the atmospheric pressure p * at the instant this process occurs. If y represent the vertical distance of an ice particle above the bottom of an ice mass, the hydrostatic pressure p acting on the ice particle is p ⋆+ρg(h−y), where ρ is the ice density, g is the gravitational acceleration, and h is the total ice thickness. Thus V is given by

where (h−y 0) is the depth at which pores close off from each other in the firn layer and h ⋆ = h+p ⋆/ρg.
Along the flow path of an ice particle the integral

where the derivative on the left-hand side of this equation is understood to be taken along the flow path of the ice particle. If C is independent of, or only weakly dependent on, the horizontal distance this derivative is an ordinary derivative.
Ice shelf
It will be shown now that coalescence effects are unimportant in the case of floating ice shelves. Consider an ice shelf on which ice is neither being melted from nor frozen to the bottom surface. Let A be the accumulation rate on the top surface. Then S = −Ay/h. The longitudinal strain-rate is A/h for an ice shelf restricted to motion in only one horizontal direction. The effective shear strain-rate is

This equation predicts that C = C 0 everywhere except in an infinitesimally thin layer at the bottom surface of the ice shelf.
We can arrive at this result in another way. In the previous section it was seen that coalescence effects are unimportant until the total shear strain is at least of the order of 8. At a time t after deposition an ice particle in an ice shelf has undergone a total shear strain (A/h) t. At time t the same particle has descended to the vertical distance y given by t = (h/A) ln (h/y). The value of y at which (A/h)t = 8 is h exp (−8). We can conclude that coalescence of bubbles caused by longitudinal strain-rates in ice shelves, as well as in glaciers and ice sheets, is negligible.
Ice sheet
Consider next the coalescence of bubbles within an ice sheet at a point well removed from its center. Assume again that no melting or freezing occurs at the bottom surface. The ice velocity S in the vertical direction is approximately −Ay/h. The shear stress σ at y is approximately ρg(h−y)α, where α is the slope of the upper surface. According to Reference GlenGlen (1955) the creep rate is proportional to σ n where n is a constant whose value lies in the range of 3 to 4. If

If terms in (h ⋆−h)/h or higher are dropped this equation reduces, for n = 3, to

Figure 2 shows plots of C/C 0 versus y/h for the case in which y 0 = h; V 0(h⋆−y 0) = 1m (obtained from data of Reference LangwayLangway (1958)); A = 0·35 m/year; and ϵ 0 has each of the following values: 0·75/year, 0·075/year, and 0·0075/year.

Fig. 2 Normalized bubble concentration (C/C0) versus normalized distance from bottom surface (y/h). Curve 1 for strain-rate

It can be seen from this figure that if the concentration of pores is to be reduced significantly the strain-rate

The degree of bubble coalescence offers a sensitive means for setting limits on the paleostrain-rates of existent ice sheets. For example, it is estimated that

Effect of bubble migration
The preceding calculations were made under the assumption that the bubbles do not move with respect to the ice matrix. This assumption is not correct. Reference HoekstraHoekstra and others (1965[a], Reference Hoekstra[b]) have shown that small brine pockets migrate down temperature gradients in cold ice. (The pockets move from colder to warmer temperature regions.) Reference Hoekstra and MillerHoekstra and Miller (1965) showed that small inclusions surrounded by a thin water film also drift in a temperature gradient. Air bubbles in cold ice will migrate in the presence of temperature gradients. This fact has been shown theoretically by Reference ShreveShreve (1967) and experimentally by Reference Stehle and OuraStehle (1967). Shreve’s equation leads to the prediction that air bubbles near the bottom of the Greenland ice sheet at “Camp Century” (the temperature gradient there is 1.77×10−4 deg/cm (Reference Hansen and LangwayHansen and Langway, 1966) and the pressure is of the order of 140 bars) will migrate downwards at velocities of the order of 10−6 cm/year. This velocity is such an extremely slow one that it could not lead to any significant modification of the bubble density that was calculated in the last section.
The analysis of this paper shows that bubble concentrations within an ice mass are potential sources of information concerning the total deformation suffered by the ice mass. The analysis was made under the assumption that no melting or freezing occurs at the bottom ice surface. The generalization of the results to cover the case of melting or freezing is obvious. Essential to the analysis is the assumption that the processes causing spheroidization of the bubbles act so fast that bubbles are never elongated or flattened by the deformation. At very fast strain-rates this assumption obviously will break down.
I would like to thank Mr A. J. Gow, Mr L. B. Hansen and Dr P. Hoekstra for fruitful discussions.