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The Psychology Professor and the Nation's Bad Dreams: An Interview with J.E. Hueting
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 April 2010

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- Interview
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- Copyright © Research Institute for History, Leiden University 1996
1 Their names in full: W. Schermerhorn, W. Drees and L. J. M. Beel, the first postwar prime ministers of the Netherlands; H.A.F.M.O. van Mierlo, presently minister of foreign affairs; P. J. Koets; General A.A. Thompson; General S.H. Spoor, chief army commander in the Netherlands Indies.
2 See Hueting, J. E., ‘Over Demonen in het Nederlandse Geheugen’. Paper presented to the conference: ‘The Silenced Past: On the Nature of Historical Taboos’, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 15 11 1990Google Scholar.
3 De Excessennota: Nota Betreffende het Archiefondenoek naar de Gegevens Omtrent Excessen in Indonesiä Begaan door Nederlandse Militairen in de Periode 1945–1950 (The Hague 1969; reprinted 1995)Google Scholar.
4 Doom, J. A. A. van and Hendrix, W. J., Ontsporing van Geweld: Over het Nederlands/Indisch/ Indonesisch Conflict (Rotterdam 1970). For a general overview of the debate, seeGoogle ScholarMeijer, Remco, Oostindisch Doof: Het Nederlandse Debat over de Dekolonisatie van Indonesiä (Amsterdam 1995)Google Scholar.
5 See, e.g., Taylor, Telford, Nuremberg and Vietnam: An American Tragedy (Chicago 1970)Google Scholar; Taylor, Telford, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials: A Personal Memoir (New York 1992)Google Scholar.
6 Hueting, J. E., ‘Some Clichés about Guerilla Warfare and the Proposal of Psychological Models Explaining So Called Excessive Behaviour’ in: Niezing, J. ed., Urban Guerilla: Studies on the Theory, Strategy and Practice of Political Violence in Modem Societies (Rotterdam 1974) 142–147Google Scholar.
7 Completed in March 1996 by the publication of the twentieth volume. Wai, S. L. van der, Drooglever, P. J. and Schouten, M. J. B. eds, Offidële Bescheiden Betreffende de Nederlands-Indone sische Betrekhngen, 1945–1950 (The Hague 1971–1996)Google Scholar.
8 Some of Hueting's publications on human memory: Hueting, J. E. a.o., ‘Perception of Memorised Words and Nonwords’, Perceptual and Motor Skills 53 (1981) 59–66Google Scholar; Hueting, J. E. a.o., ‘Effect of Amphetamine on Long-Term Retention of Verbal Material’, Psychopharmacology 119 (1995) 155–162; on trauma:Google ScholarHueting, J. E., ‘Psychosociological Mechanisms of Short-Term and Long-Term Reactions to Violence’, in: Helping the Victims of Violence (The Hague 1983) 13–20; on stress-reaction:Google ScholarHueting, J. E. a.o., ‘Automatic Aftereffects in Two-Choice Reaction Time: A Mathematical Representation of Some Concepts’, Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (1984) 581–598Google Scholar.