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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 July 2018
«Non sarà un secondo Hitler a sfidare lo stato di Bonn, nessun imitatore che possa accattivarsi la nostra attenzione. Sarà un originale senza precedenti, una personalità adeguata alle caratteristiche e ai bisogni del suo tempo. Le rassomiglianze risulteranno evidenti al massimo agli esperti, ma non all'elettorato di massa. La seduzione si avvicina alle sue vittime con immaginazione e fantasia, non secondo stereotipi e forme riconoscibili» (Neubauer 1985, 135, traduzione dal tedesco all'inglese degli Autori).
This article gives an historical account of right-wing extremist activity in Germany since 1949. It concentrates on the developments in West Germany between 1949 and 1990, and summarizes the relevant developments that have occurred since German unification. Although various aspects of extremist right-wing activity (organizational structure of groups and parties, violence, intellectual developments, popular attitudes) are dealt with, the focus is on the electoral fortunes of the key parties on the extreme right, the SRP, DRP, DG, NPD, DVU and the Republikaner. The central question is: what are the macro-political and economic conditions under which the latent potential of 8–15 percent of the population holding authoritarian or racist attitudes can be mobilized by extremist right-wing parties? In order to answer this question the authors develop a first «supply-side» model of right-wing extremism emphasizing the importance of the composition of government coalitions, the position of conservative parties in the political issue space and macro-economic conditions. It is argued that the interplay of these variables can help to understand the rise and decline of extremist right-wing parties in Germany and in a comparative context.