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- Treaties and Agreements
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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1965
[Reproduced from an English translation prepared and copyrighted by Mrs. P. Bradburne, 5 Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris 16e, France.
[Only the General Accor d and the body of Annex t have been reproduced. The appendices to Annex I, and Annexes II to XII-A, have been omitted. The complete agreement, with all annexes and appendices, can be purchased from Mrs. Bradburne.
[The agreements between France and . Algeria relating to the independence of Algeria , signed at Evian March 18, 1962, including the Declaration of Principles Concerning Economic and Financial Cooperation and the Declaration of Principles on Cooperation for the Exploitation of the Wealth of the Saharan Subsoil , appear at 1 International Legal Materials 214 (1962).]
* [The date does not appear in the non-conformed copy made available by the French Government on the occasion of the signing of the agreement. The agreement was signed by Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Foreign Minister of Algeria, and Jean de Broglie, Secretary of State for Algerian Affairs of France.]
X Translator’s note : The French text reads “ces sociétés pourront ainsi detacher . . “ . However, it is felt that the parties intended to say “ces sociétés pourront ainsi se faire detacher . . ” as in the preceding sub-paragraph, and it is the latter meardng which has been translated.