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1. Avaris, the Capital of the Hyksos. Recent Excavations at Tell-el-Dab'a. The First Raymond and Beverly Sackler Foundation Distinguished Lecture in Egyptology. By Bietak, Manfred. British Museum Press, London, 1996. Pp. ix + 98, with 21 colour and 150 black-and-white illustrations, Paper £14.99Google Scholar.
2. Islands in Time. Island Sociogeography and Mediterranean Prehistory. By Patton, Mark. Routledge, London and New York, 1996. Pp. x + 213, with figures and tables. £40.00CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
3. The Gold of Troy. Searching for Homer's Fabled City. By Antonova, Irina, Tolstikov, Vladimir and Treister, Mikhail. Thames & Hudson, London, 1996. Pp. 239, with 275 illustrations, 272 in colour. £39.95Google Scholar.
4. The Golden Treasures of Troy. The Dream of Heinrich Schliemann. New Horizons. By Duchêne, Hervé. Thames & Hudson, London, 1996. Pp. 143, with illustrations. Paper £6.95Google Scholar.
5. The Role of Metals in Ancient Greek History. Mnemosyne Suppl. Vol. 156. By Treister, Michail Yu. Brill, Leiden, New York, Cologne, 1996. Pp. xiv + 481, with 50 illustrations. Gld. 234Google Scholar.
6. Human Landscapes in Classical Antiquity. Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society Volume 6. Edited by Shipley, Graham and Salmon, John. Routledge, London and New York, 1996. Pp. xiv + 344, with figures, £50.00Google Scholar.
7. The Craft of Zeus. Myths of Weaving and Fabric. Revealing Antiquity 9. By Scheid, John and Svenbro, Jesper. Harvard U.P., 1996. Pp. viii + 226. £25.50Google Scholar.
8. Greek Law in its Political Setting. Justifications not Justice. Edited by Foxhall, L. and Lewis, A. D. E.. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. viii + 172, with 6 figures. £25.00Google Scholar.
9. News and Society in the Greek Polis. By Lewis, Sian. Duckworth, London, 1996. Pp. ix + 206. Paper £13.99Google Scholar.
10. Revenge Tragedy. Aeschylus to Armageddon. By Kerrigan, John. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. xv + 404, with 9 figures. £40.00Google Scholar.
11. The Mask of Socrates. The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity. Sather Classical Lectures Vol. 59. By Zanker, Paul. University of California Press, 1995. Pp. x + 426, with 179 figures. £35.00Google Scholar.
12. Personality in Greek Epic, Tragedy, and Philosophy. The Self in Dialogue. By Gill, Christopher. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. x + 510. £50.00Google Scholar.
13. Creation of the Sacred. Tracks of Biology in Early Religions. By Burkert, Walter. Harvard U.P., 1996. Pp. xii + 255. £18.95Google Scholar.
14. Athenian Religion: a History. By Parker, Robert. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. xxix + 370, with 2 maps. £40.00Google Scholar.
15. The Rise of Christianity. A Sociologist reconsiders History. By Stark, Rodney. Princeton U.P., 1996. Pp. xiv + 247, with 10 illustrations. £16.95Google Scholar.
16. The End of Paganism in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire. The Example of the Mithras Cult. BAR International Series 634. By Sauer, Eberhard. Tempus Reparatum, Oxford, 1996. Pp. 125, with illustrations, diagrams, and maps. Paper £30.00Google Scholar.
17. Caesar, The Gallic War. The World's Classics. Translated by Hammond, Carolyn. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. li + 261, with 8 illustrations. Paper £6.50Google Scholar.
18. From Constantine to Julian. Pagan and Byzantine Views. A Source History. Edited by Lieu, Samuel N. C. and Montserrat, Dominic. Routledge, London and New York, 1996. Pp. xxi + 285. Paper £13.99Google Scholar.
19. Themistius and the Imperial Court. Civic Duty and Paideia from Constantius to Theodosius. By Vanderspoel, John. University of Michigan Press, 1995. Pp. xii + 280. $44.50Google Scholar.
20. The Late Roman Army. The Archaeology of the Roman Empire. By Southern, Pat and Dixon, Karen Ramsey. Batsford, London, 1996 Pp. xvii + 206, with 19 plates and 83 figures. £30.00Google Scholar.
21. Landowners and Tenants in Roman Egypt. The Social Relations of Agriculture in the Oxyrhynchite Nome. Oxford Classical Monograph. By Rowlandson, Jane. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. xiv + 384, with 6 figures and 3 maps. £45.00Google Scholar.
22. Pausanias' Greece. Ancient Artists and Roman Rulers. By Arafat, K. W.. Cambridge U.P., 1996. Pp. xvi + 246, with 1 map. £37.50CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
23. The Game of Death in Ancient Rome. Arena Sport and Political Suicide. Wisconsin Studies in Classics. By Plass, Paul. University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. Pp. xi + 283, with 2 figures. £43.95Google Scholar.
24. Roman Children's Sarcophagi. Their Decoration and its Social Significance. Oxford Monographs on Classical Archaeology. By Huskinson, Janet. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. vii + 135, with 16 plates. £50.00Google Scholar.
25. Practical Ethics for Roman Gentlemen. The Work of Valerius Maximus. By Skidmore, Clive. University of Exeter Press, 1996.Pp. xvii + 142. £30.00CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
26. Municipal Virtues in the Roman Empire. The Evidence of Italian Honorary Inscriptions. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Band 79. By Forbis, Elizabeth. Teubner, Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1996. Pp. viii + 299. DM. 110CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
27. The Limits of Participation. Women and Civic Life in the Greek East in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Dutch Monographs on Ancient History and Archaeology Vol. XV By van Bremen, Riet. Gieben, Amsterdam, 1996. Pp. xvii + 399, with 2 maps. Gld. 145Google Scholar.
28. Sex and Society in Graeco-Roman Egypt. By Montserrat, Dominic. Kegan Paul International, London and New York, 1996. Pp. xix + 238, with 25 plates and 16 figures. £45.00Google Scholar.
29. Der Konkubinat im kaiserzeitlichen Rom. Von August bis Septimius Severus. Historia Einzelschriften Heft 98. By Friedl, Raimund. Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1996. Pp. 417. Limp DM. 140Google Scholar.
30. The Virgin and the Bride. Idealized Womenhood in Late Antiquity. By Cooper, Kate. Harvard U.P., 1996. Pp. xii + 180. £24.95Google Scholar.
31. Women and Law in Late Antiquity. By Arjava, Antti. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. xii + 304. £35.00Google Scholar.
32. Hellenism and Empire. Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World, AD 50–250. By Swain, Simon. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. xii + 499. £50.00Google Scholar.
33. Das Artemision von Ephesos. Das Weltwunder Ioniens in archaischer and klassischer Zeit. Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie Bd. 20. By Bammer, Anton and Muss, Ulrike. von Zabern, Philipp, Mainz, 1996. Pp. iv + 92, with 115 illustrations. DM. 45Google Scholar.
34. Refiguring the Post Classical City. Dura Europos, Jerash, Jerusalem and Ravenna. By Wharton, Annabel Jane. Cambridge U.P., 1995. Pp. xvii + 238, with 50 illustrations and 1 map. £45.00Google Scholar.
35. The Lives of the Ninth-Century Popes (Liber Pontificalis). The Ancient Biographies of Ten Popes from A.D. 817–891. By Davis, Raymond. Pp. xvi + 336Google Scholar, with 1 map; Bede: On the Temple. By Connolly, Seán. Pp. lv + 142Google Scholar, with frontispiece; Venantius Fortunatus: Personal and Political Poems. By George, Judith. Pp. xxv + 156. Liverpool U.P., 1995. Paper £12.50, £9.95, and £9.95CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
36. The Classical Cookbook. By Dalby, Andrew and Grainger, Sally. British Museum Press, London, 1996. Pp. 144, with 31 colour and 57 black-and-white illustrations. £14.99Google Scholar.
37. The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Pope, Alexander. Edited by Shankman, Steven. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1996. Pp. xxxvi + 1212. Paper £16.00Google Scholar.
38. Homer in English. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Steiner, George. Pp. xxxiv + 357Google Scholar; Virgil in English. Edited by Gransden, K. W.. Pp. xxxv + 345Google Scholar; Horace in English. Edited by Carne-Ross, D. S. and Haynes, Kenneth. Pp. xvi + 560Google Scholar. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1996. Paper £9.99, £8.99, and £9.99.
39. Tradition and Modernity in the Mediterranean. The Wedding as Symbolic Struggle. Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology 101. By Argyrou, Vassos. Cambridge U.P., 1996. Pp. x + 210, with 12 plates and 2 figures. £30.00CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
40. Greek-English Lexicon: Revised Supplement. Edited by Glare, P G. W. Oxford U.P., 1996. Pp. xxxi + 320. £50.00Google Scholar.