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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1993
1. Iambi el Elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum Cantati. Vol. II. Edited by West, M. L.. Pp. 277Google Scholar. £35.00.
2. Further Voices in Vergil's Aeneid. By Lyne, R. O. A. M.. Pp. ix + 252Google Scholar. £14.95.
3. City and Country in the Ancient World. Leicester-Nottingham Studies in Ancient Society Vol. 2. Edited by Rich, John and Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew. Pp. xviii + 306Google Scholar, with figures. Price not stated.
4. The Macedonian State. Origins, Institutions, and History. By Hammond, N. G. L.. Pp. xx + 413Google Scholar, with 9 figures and 1 chart. £20.00.
5. In the Shadow of Olympus. By Borza, Eugene N.. Pp. xviii + 347Google Scholar, with 5 maps and 1 genealogical table. $16.95.
6. Enemies of the Roman Order. Treason, Unrest, and Alienation in the Empire. By MacMullen, Ramsay. Pp. xiii + 370Google Scholar. Paper £12.99.
7. The Limits of Empire. By Isaac, Benjamin. Pp. xiv + 510Google Scholar, with 13 figures and 5 maps. £55.00.
8. Freud and Oedipus. By Rudnytsky, P. L.. Pp. xvi + 416Google Scholar, with frontispiece. $18.50.
9. Metamorphoses in Greek Myths. By Irving, P. M. C. Forbes. Pp. xv + 326Google Scholar. £17.50.
10. Lykien. By Kolb, Frank and Kupke, Barbara. Pp. 80Google Scholar, with 142 colour and black-and-white illustrations, maps, and plans. DM.35; Branchidai-Didyma. By Tuchelt, Klaus. Pp. 64Google Scholar, with 119 colour and black-and-white illustrations, maps, and plans. DM.35.
11. An Archaeology of Greece. The Present State and Future Scope of a Discipline. Sather Classical Lectures Vol. 53. By Snodgrass, Anthony M.. Pp. xv + 218Google Scholar, with 64 figures. $13.00.
12. The Athenian Agora. Excavations in the Heart of Classical Athens. New Aspects of Antiquity. By Camp, John M.. Pp. 232Google Scholar, with 200 illustrations, 11 in colour. £14.95 net.
13. The Garden of Priapus. By Richlin, Amy. Pp. xxxiii + 315Google Scholar. £13.50.
14. Ancient Concepts of Philosophy. Issues in Ancient Philosophy. By Jordan, William. Pp. xiii + 207Google Scholar. £10.99.
15. Plato, Republic. Translated by Grube, G. M. A.. Pp. xx + 300Google Scholar. Cloth £24.95, paper £3.95.
16. Aristotle, Eudemian Ethics Books I, II, and VIII. Clarendon Aristotle Series. Translated with a Commentary by Woods, Michael. Pp. xii + 212Google Scholar. £30.00.
17. Aristotle, Physics Book I and II. Translated with Introduction, Commentary, Note on Recent Work, and Revised Bibliography by Charlton, William. Pp. xvii + 156Google Scholar. Paper £14.00.
18. The Roman Invasion of Britain; Rome against Caratacus: the Roman Campaigns in Britain AD 48–58; Boudica: the British Revolt against Rome AD 60. The Roman Conquest of Britain. By Webster, Graham. Pp. 224Google Scholar, with 22 plates, 6 plans, and 16 maps; pp. 181, with 26 plates and 40 line illustrations; pp. 152, with 24 plates and 8 maps and diagrams. Paper £15.99 each.
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