Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
Any system S in which an addition is defined for some, but not necessarily all, pairs of elements can be imbedded in a natural way in a commutative semi-group G, although different elements in S need not always determine different elements in G (see §2). Theorem 2.1 gives necessary and sufficient conditions in order that a functional p(x) on S can be represented as the su prémuni of some family of additive functionals on S, and one such set of conditions is in terms of possible extensions of p(x) to G. This generalizes the case with 5 a Boolean ring treated by Lorentz [4], Lorentz imbeds the Boolean ring in a vector space and this could be done for the general S; but we prefer to imbed S in a commutative semi-group and to give a proof (see § 1) generalizing the classical Hahn-Banach theorem to the case of an arbitrary commutative semigroup.