Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
Let K be a field and L an extension field. L. Fuchs [2, Problem 98] has suggested studying the change in multiplicative groups in going from K* to L*. We wish to indicate difficulties that arise in trying to relate the group theoretic structure of L* to that of K*, even when K* has particularly simple structure and the extension is quadratic.
First let us note a trivial fact. If [L : K] = n < ∞ and K* has a free direct factor A, then L* has a free direct factor isomorphic to A. To see this, let ϕ be the composite L* → K* → A of the norm map followed by the projection map. Then L* has a free direct factor isomorphic to ϕ(L*). But the image of the norm map contains (K*)n, hence ϕ(L*) ≅ A.