1 Introduction
The study of diffusion in porous medium is of great importance in modeling transport phenomena that are ubiquitous in fields such as hydrology, geology, biology, and materials engineering. A particularly relevant phenomenon is osmosis, the process by which a solvent or species diffuses through a semi-permeable membrane. The modeling of such a process, generally governed by reaction–diffusion systems, often integrates so-called Kedem–Katchalsky conditions [Reference Kedem and Katchalsky16]. For instance, in [Reference Ciavolella and Perthame10], the authors studied such a model for linear diffusion.
In this paper, we consider a nonlinear reaction–diffusion model of the porous medium type, incorporating a Kedem–Katchalsky condition, given by the following system:

$\blacklozenge $
$\Omega $
is a bounded open spatial domain of
$\mathbb {R}^{d}$
$d \geq 2$
, and
$\partial \Omega $
denotes its boundary supposed smooth,
$\blacklozenge $
$\Omega _1$
$\Omega _2$
are open and bounded spatial subdomains of
$\Omega $
, with respective boundaries
$\partial \Omega _1$
$\partial \Omega _2$
which are assumed to be sufficiently regular. And let us put

$\blacklozenge $
We also denote by
$\nu _1$
$\nu _2$
the exterior normals to
$ \Omega _1$
$ \Omega _2$
, respectively.
$\blacklozenge $
$\varphi _i(v_i)=D_i v_{i}^{r_i}$
$D_i>0, r_i >0$
$i=1, \ldots ,m$
are continuous increasing functions from
$[0,+\infty )$
$[0,+\infty )$
$\varphi _i(0) = 0$
and the nonlinearities
are regular functions satisfying the following two main properties:
$\ast $
(P): the nonnegativity of the solutions is preserved for all time;
$\ast $
(M): the total mass of the components is controlled at all times (sometimes even exactly conserved). We will come back to this later for more details.
$\blacklozenge $
We designate the density of each species i
$(i=1, \ldots , m)$

This choice is justified by the fact that each of the species i
$(i=1,\ldots , m)$
lives only in one of the separate domains
$\Omega _1$
$\Omega _2$
and can move from one domain to the other across the permeable transverse membrane
$\Gamma $
. There is a jump of species
$v_i, \ i=1, \ldots , m$
across the
$\Gamma $
membrane which we designate by

To be more precise, for
$x \in \Gamma $
and for
$i=1,\ldots ,m $
, the trace in the sense of Sobolev allows us to pose

In this paper, we analyze a nonlinear reaction–diffusion model of the porous medium type with membrane conditions called Kedem–Katchalsky conditions [Reference Ciavolella and Perthame10]. Our main goal is to prove the global existence in time of a weak solution for the system (1.1) under an a priori estimate
$r_i \in \left ( (d-2)^{+}/d; 2 \right )$
$i=1, \ldots ,m$
. We exploit here the “
” framework offered by the properties (M) and (P), by the fact that just as in the semilinear case, the operator
$v_i \mapsto \partial _t v_i - D_iv_i^{r_i}$
has favorable compactness properties in
$r_i> \dfrac {(d-2)^{+}}{d}$
. Concerning the restriction
$r_i < 2$
, we will detail its natural appearance in the rest of the work, more precisely in the proof of Lemma 3.5. Recently, Ciavolella and Perthame in [Reference Ciavolella and Perthame10] studied a similar model for linear diffusion (
). The authors proved the global existence of weak solutions for
data, by adapting to membrane conditions an
theory for reaction–diffusion systems initiated by M. Pierre and his collaborators (see [Reference Baras and Pierre3, Reference Bothe and Pierre5, Reference Laamri and Perthame19, Reference Laamri and Pierre20, Reference Pierre28]).
We aim to extend the main results on this global existence of weak solutions from the semilinear case [Reference Ciavolella and Perthame10] to the case where the
$\varphi _i$
are nonlinear, particularly of the porous medium type, i.e.,
$\varphi _i(v_i) = D_i v_i^{r_i}$
$r_i \geq 1$
, with Kedem–Katchalsky conditions. Two principles are fundamental for this:
– the conservation of mass, which leads to the continuity of the density flux,
– the dissipation principle such that the
$L^2$ -norm of the solution decreases over time.
From these properties, it follows that the density flux is proportional to the jump
$[\![ v_i ]\!]$
across the membrane with a proportionality coefficient
$k_i \geq 0$
$i=1, \ldots , m$
, representing the permeability constants of the membrane
$\Gamma $
for each species density
$v_i, \ i = 1, \ldots , m$
Over the last two decades, the study of biological models with membrane boundary problems describing diffusion phenomena has attracted many authors at various scales (see [Reference Bathory, Bulíček and Souček4, Reference Calabrò and Zunino6, Reference Cangiani and Natalini7, Reference Chaplain, Giverso, Lorenzi and Preziosi9, Reference Gallinato, Colin, Saut and Poignard13, Reference Li, Su, Wang and Wang21, Reference Quarteroni, Veneziani and Zunino31, Reference Serafini34]).
The existence of bounded regular solutions on the interval
$(0,+\infty )$
can be found in several references, notably [Reference Cañizo, Desvillettes and Fellner8, Reference Desvillettes, Fellner, Pierre and Vovelle11, Reference Hollis, Martin and Pierre14, Reference Kanel and Kirane15, Reference Kouachi17, Reference Martin and Pierre24–Reference Morgan26, Reference Prüss30], as well as in many other articles listed in the survey [Reference Pierre28] or in the book [Reference Quittner and Souplet32]. However, it is well known that solutions can blow up in
$L^{\infty }(\Omega )$
-norm in finite time, as demonstrated in [Reference Pierre and Schmitt29], where explicit finite-time blowups in
$L^{\infty }(\Omega )$
-norm are presented. Thus, even in the semilinear or nonlinear case, it is necessary to deal with weak solutions to ensure global existence in time.
Our paper is structured into three distinct sections, each making a specific contribution to our research. Section 1 presents the context and issues of the study. Section 2 is devoted to the presentation of our main result, preceded by a preliminary phase which establishes the foundations and hypotheses necessary to prove the global existence of a weak solution for equation (1.1). Section 3 demonstrates our main result by means of an approximation model, applying crucial estimates, and proving the existence of a weak solution in two steps: first an supersolution, then a subsolution. This structure allows for a clear and logical presentation, providing a comprehensive overview of our contribution to this area of research.
2 Preliminaries and main results
2.1 Preliminaries and notations
The purpose of this part is to introduce some notations and recall some basic mathematical results. we denote by
$\textbf {H}^1$
the Hilbert space of functions defined by

We endow it with the norm

We designate
$(\cdot , \cdot )$
as the inner product in
$\textbf {H}^1$
$\left \langle \cdot , \cdot \right \rangle $
denote the duality bracket of
$\textbf {H}^1$
with its dual space
$(\textbf {H}^{1})^{\star }$
2.2 Assumptions
For further work in this paper, we formulate the following hypotheses:
$i= 1,\ldots , m$
, we assume that

$i= 1,\ldots , m$
$R_i:Q_T \times [0,+\infty )^m \rightarrow \mathbb {R}$
be such as

We assume that the nonlinearities
satisfy the properties:

Remark 1 Note that all our given results extend immediately if (M) is replaced by

The properties (P) and (M) or (M’) exist naturally in applications. In fact, evolutionary reaction–diffusion systems are mathematical models for evolutionary phenomena undergoing both spatial diffusion and (bio)chemical reactions. In these models, the unknown functions are generally densities, concentrations, and temperatures, so their nonnegativity is required. In addition, it is often necessary to control the total mass, sometimes even the preservation of the total mass is naturally guaranteed by the model. Interest in these models has grown recently, particularly for applications in biology, ecology, and population dynamics. We refer to [Reference Pierre and Schmitt29] for examples of reaction–diffusion systems with properties (P) and (M) or (M’).
We now present the notion of solution and also the main result that is the subject of our mathematical analysis in this paper.
2.3 Main result
We define our space of test functions as

$\Psi = \begin {cases} {}^1\Psi , \hspace {0,5cm} in \ \Omega _1, \\ {}^2\Psi , \hspace {0,5cm} in \ \Omega _2\end {cases}. $
We now introduce the notion of weak solution of problem (1.1) and also the existence and regularity result of this solution.
Definition 1 Given
$v_{0,i}\in L^1(\Omega )\cap (\textbf {H}^1)^{\star }, v_{0,i} \geq 0$
$i = 1,\ldots ,m$
, a global weak solution of system (1.1) is a nonnegative function
$\textbf {v}=(v_1,\ldots , v_m)$
such that for all
$T> 0$
$i=1, \ldots , m$
$v_i \in C([0,T],L^1(\Omega )),\ \varphi _i(v_i) \in L^1(0,T,W^{1,1}), \ R_i(v) \in L^1(Q_T)$
, and

for all
$\Psi \in W_T$
Theorem 1 Assume that (2.1)–(2.3) and (2.6) hold and
$k_i=k, i=1,\ldots ,m$
. Assume that
-estimate (3.6) holds. Then, for all
$v_0=(v_{0,1}, \ldots , v_{0,n})$
, such as
$v_0 \in (L^1(\Omega )\cap (\textbf {H}^1)^{\star })^m$
$v_0 \geq 0$
, the system (1.1) has a nonnegative global weak solution in the sense of Definition 1.
3 Proof of the existence result
3.1 The approximate reaction–diffusion system
In this subsection, we introduce an approximation of the system (1.1).
We first approximate the initial data and the reaction terms as follows:

For each fixed n,
$v^{n }_{0,i}(x)\in L^{\infty }(\Omega )$
$i=1,\ldots ,m$
, and converges to
$L^1(\Omega )\cap (\textbf {H}^1)^{\star }$
. We consider the following regularised system:

where the approximate nonlinearities
are essentially “truncations” of the
’s. More precisely, we will assume that
is locally Lipschitz continuous and satisfies (2.2) with
$K(\cdot )$
independent of n, and (2.3)–(2.5) with h independent of n, and is in
$L^{\infty }(Q_T \times \mathbb {R}^{m})$
. Moreover, thanks to our choice, we have
$\Vert R^n_i \Vert _{L^{\infty }} \leq n$
for each fixed n. Therefore, the approximate system (3.2) has a nonnegative bounded global solution (see, e.g., [Reference Laamri and Pierre20, Lemma 2.3] and [Reference Laamri18] or [Reference Vázquez35] for more details). Let us denote

$ v=(v_1,\ldots ,v_m)$
. Then, we check that

$i=1,\ldots ,m$
$v^{n }_{0,i}(x)\in L^{\infty }(\Omega )$
and converges to
$L^1(\Omega )\cap (\textbf {H}^1)^{\star }$
3.2 The key estimate
Lemma 3.1 Assume that, for
$1 \leq i \leq m$
$v_{i,0} \in L^{1}(\Omega )\cap (\textbf {H}^1)^{\star }$
$h \in L^1_{loc}([0,+\infty ); L^2(\Omega ))$
under the assumption (2.6). Then, for all nonnegative regular functions
solution of (3.2) with
$k_i=k, i= 1,\ldots , m$
, there exists
such that

Moreover, with the assumption (2.5), the
are uniformly bounded in
, more precisely, for all
, there exists a constant
$C'> 0$
independent of n such that

Proof By summing the m equations of the regularized system (3.2) and then using (2.6) of Remark 1, we obtain

By multiplying this inequality by
, and observing that
$ e^{-Ct} \sum \limits _{i=1}^{m} v_i^n = \partial _t \left ( e^{-Ct} \sum \limits _{i=1}^{m} v_i^n \right ) + C \sum \limits _{i=1}^{m} v_i^n $
, we obtain

By integrating from 0 to t, we obtain

Let us set
$\widehat {U}(t)= \displaystyle e^{-Ct} \sum \limits _{i=1}^{m} v_i^n(t,\cdot )$
$\displaystyle \widehat {V}(t)= \int _0^t e^{-Cs} \sum \limits _{i=1}^{m} \varphi _i( v_i^n(s,\cdot )ds $
, then we obtain the following problem:

multiplying the inequation of (3.10) by
$\partial _t \widehat {V}\geq 0 $
, then integrating over
, we get

$\widehat {U}_0:= \widehat {U}(0)= \displaystyle \sum \limits _{i=1}^{m} v_{i,0}^n $
. Integrating by parts and majorating the right-hand side, we get

Now, we can see that

$ \widehat {V}(0)=0$
. So, from (3.12), it follows that


Furthermore, the second term of the right-hand side of the above inequality is bounded for all
. To see this, we introduce, thanks to the Lax–Milgram theorem, the solution of

Consider the inequality from (3.10) at time
. Multiplying by W and using the growth of the integral, we integrate over
$\Omega $
to obtain

Using two integrations by parts on the second term of the left-hand side, and exploiting equation (3.14), we observe that

and with an integration by parts on the right-hand side term, we have

Taking W as the test function in the weak formulation of (3.14), it follows that

$C= \max \left \lbrace 1, \left \| \int _{0}^{T} h(s,\cdot )ds \right \|^2_{L^2(\Omega )} \right \rbrace \|W\|^2_{\textbf {H}^1} $
. From (3.15)–(3.18), we obtain

Thanks to the positivity of W and
, it follows that

From (3.13) and (3.19), it comes that

which can be rewritten as

Finally, from (3.1) and the fact that
$\varphi _i(v_i)=D_i v_i^{r_i}$
, it follows that

This implies

This proves (3.5).
Noting that
$\vert R_i^{n} \vert \leq \vert R_i \vert $
, then from (2.5) and (3.20), we have

$\left \lbrace R_i^n(v^n)\right \rbrace $
is bounded in
. This proves (3.6) and completes the proof of Lemma 3.1.
Let us now recall the main compactness properties of the solutions of (1.1). We start with the following compactness lemma (see [Reference Baras2, Reference Baras and Pierre3, Reference Bothe and Pierre5]; for the compactness of the trace, we use the continuity of the trace operator from
$L^{1}(\partial \Omega )$
). Let
$(w_0,F)\in L^1(\Omega )\times L^1(Q_T)$
. We consider w the solution of the problem in dimension
$d \geq 2$

• The mapping
$(w_0,f) \mapsto w$ is compact from
$ L^1(\Omega )\times L^1(Q_T)$ to
$L^1(Q_T)$ for all
$\alpha> \dfrac {(d-2)^{+}}{d}$ .
• The trace mapping
$(w_0,f) \mapsto w_{\vert \Gamma } \in L^{1}\left ( \Gamma \right )$ is also compact.
Lemma 3.2 (see [Reference Lukkari22])
$(w_0,F)\in L^1(\Omega )\times L^1(Q_T)$
$\alpha> \dfrac {(d-2)^{+}}{d}$
. We consider w the solution of the problem (3.22) in dimension
$d \geq 2$
. Then,

The constant C depends only on
$\vert Q_T \vert $
$\Vert w_0 \Vert _{L^1(\Omega )},\Vert F \Vert _{L^1(Q_T)}, \gamma , \beta , \alpha \textrm { and of dimension } d $
Proof For a proof, see Lukari, for the case
$\alpha> 1$
and [Reference Lukkari23, Lemma 3.5] for the case
$\dfrac {(d - 2)^{+}}{d} < \alpha < 1$
. In these two references, the proof is given with zero initial data, but with right-hand side a bounded measure. We may use the measure
$\delta _{t=0}\otimes w_0 dx$
include the case of initial data
. We may also use the results in [Reference Abdellaoui, Peral and Walias1, Theorem 2.9]. The estimate in the nondegenerate case may be obtained in a similar way.
In the rest of the demonstrations, we will need to use Vitali’s lemma, which we recall below.
Lemma 3.3 (see [Reference Fonseca and Leoni12, Reference Schilling33])
$(E,\mu )$
be a measured space such that
$\mu (E)< +\infty $
, let
$1 \leq p < +\infty $
, and let
$\left \lbrace f_n\right \rbrace _n \subset L^p(E)$
such that
$f_n \to f$
a.e. If
$\left \lbrace f{{}^p}_n\right \rbrace _n$
is uniformly integrate over E, then
$f \in L^p(E)$
$f_n \to f$
3.3 Existence of global weak supersolution
Thanks to Lemma 3.1, we know that the reaction term
is bounded in
. Thus, we can assert the existence of a supersolution of the system (1.1) through the following theorem.
Theorem 2 (Existence of a supersolution)
Assume that the
-estimate (3.6) holds for the solution
of (3.2) with
$\dfrac {(d-2)^{+}}{d}<r_i<2 $
. Assume that, for
$1 \leq i \leq m$
satisfy (2.5). Let
$ v^n=(v^n_1,\ldots ,v^n_m)$
be a nonnegative solution of approximate system (3.2). Let us consider that
$k_i= k,$
$i=1,\ldots ,m$
. Then, up to a subsequence,
converges in
and a.e. in
to a supersolution
$v=(v_1,\ldots ,v_m)$
of system (1.1), which means that for
$i=1, \ldots ,m$

for all
$\Psi \in W_T$
Proof To prove this theorem, we will proceed in several steps. We start with compactness results for the approximate solution
using the following lemma.
Lemma 3.4 Assume that the
-estimate (3.6) holds for the solution
of (3.2) with
$r_i> \dfrac {(d-2)^{+}}{d} $
. Then, up to a subsequence, and for all
$1 \leq i \leq m$
, we have
$v_i^n \to v_i$ in
$L^1(Q_T)$ and a.e. in
$Q_T$ ,
$\varphi _i(v_i^n) \to \varphi _i(v_i)$ in
$L^{\gamma }(Q_T)$ and a.e. in
$Q_T$ for all
$\gamma \in \left [1, 1+\dfrac {2}{r_i d}\right )$ ,
$\varphi _i(v_i) \in L^{\beta }(0,T;W^{1,\beta }(\Omega ))$ for all
$\beta \in \left [1, 1+\dfrac {1}{1+r_i d}\right )$ ,
$R_i^n(v^n) \to R_i(v)$ a.e. in
$Q_T$ and
$R_i(v) \in L^1(Q_T)$ .
Proof Thanks to Lemma 3.1,
$\left \lbrace R_i^n(v^n) \right \rbrace $
is bounded in
, and according to Lemma 3.2,
$\left \lbrace v_i^n \right \rbrace $
is relatively compact in
.Therefore, up to a subsequence,

Thanks to the choice of
, and the a.e. convergence of
$ \left \lbrace v_i^n \right \rbrace $
(3.26), it follows that

By Fatou’s lemma, we have

which implies

Thanks to the estimation (3.6), we can apply (3.23) of Lemma 3.2 to the
equation of (3.2). Then, it comes that
$\left \lbrace \varphi _i(v_i^n) \right \rbrace _n$
is bounded in
$L^{\gamma }(Q_T)$
for all
$1 \leq \gamma < 1+ \dfrac {2}{r_id}$
and for all
$T> 0$
, i.e., there is a constant
$C> 0$
such that

which implies that
$(\varphi _i(v_i^n))^{\gamma } \textrm {is bounded in } L^1(Q_T)$
. By arbitrarity nature of
$\gamma $
$\left [1, 1+ \dfrac {2}{r_id} \right )$
$\left (\varphi _i(v_i^n)\right )^{\gamma }$
is even uniformly integrable. Since it also converges a.e. to
$\varphi _i(v_i)$
, by Vitali’s Lemma 3.3, the convergence holds strongly in
$L^{\gamma }(Q_T)$
$\varphi _i(v_i)$
Next, according to the estimation (3.6), we can apply (3.24) of Lemma 3.2 to the ith equation of (3.2). Then, it comes that
$\left \lbrace \varphi _i(v_i^n) \right \rbrace _n$
is bounded in
$L^{\beta }(0,T; W^{1,\beta }(\Omega ))$
for all
$1 \leq \beta < 1+ \dfrac {1}{1+r_id}$
. These space being reflexive (for
$\beta> 1$
), it follows that
$\varphi _i(v_i)$
also belongs to these same spaces.
satisfies (3.2), then for all
$i=1,\ldots , m$
, we have

for all
$\Psi \in W_T$
Now, we want to take the limit as
$ n \to \infty $
in (3.27). But first, let us make the following remark.
Remark 2 So far we only have the a.e. convergence of
. As a result, we are unable to go to the limit in (3.27) in order to obtain the weak formulation in the sense of Definition 1. To do this, we need to show that the convergence of
occurs in the sense of the distributions. Herein lies the main difficulty of the proof. Indeed,
is bounded in
. Consequently, it converges in the sense of measures to
$R_i(v)+ \mu $
, where
$\mu $
is a bounded measure. The challenge is to prove that this measure is equal to zero. For this, we use the truncation method, as in [Reference Pierre27], to prove that the limit v is first a supersolution in the sense of (3.25). And later we prove that v is a subsolution in order to obtain the weak formulation desired in Definition 1.
3.4 Truncation method
Here, the main idea is that if
is a weak solution of (3.2), then the regular approximation of the truncation function
defined below (3.28) and
being the limit of
$n \rightarrow +\infty $
) constitutes a supersolution of (1.1). To demonstrate this, we let
$n \rightarrow +\infty $
in the inequality satisfied by an appropriate approximation of
(specifically (3.45) in Lemma 3.7).
In the semilinear case, the method consisted of writing, for each index i, the inequality satisfied by
$T_b(v_i^n + \eta \sum _{j \neq i} v_j^n)$
$\eta> 0$
, then letting
$n \rightarrow +\infty $
for fixed
$\eta $
and b, then
$\eta \rightarrow 0$
, and finally
$b \rightarrow +\infty $
(see [Reference Ciavolella and Perthame10, Reference Pierre27]).
Here, the ideas remain the same but need to be adapted to nonlinear diffusions. Therefore, to prepare the proof of existence of supersolution, let us introduce the truncating functions
$T_b :[0, +\infty ) \to [0, +\infty )$
of class
which satisfy the following for all
$b \geq 1$

For example, we may choose

Next, for all
$i=1,\ldots , m$
, and for all
$(n,\eta ,b) \in \mathbb {N}^{\star }\times (0,1)\times [1,+\infty )$
, we introduce

is such that
$\vert v_i^n \vert = \min \limits _{ j } \left \lbrace \vert vj \vert \right \rbrace $
$V_i^n= \sum \limits _{j \neq i}v_j^n$
$j \in \left \lbrace 1, \ldots ,m \right \rbrace $
Note that the operator
$A^{n}_{i,\eta ,b} \to \partial _tv_i^n - \nabla .(\nabla \varphi _i(v_i^n))= \partial _tv_i^n - \Delta \varphi _i(v_i^n) $
$\eta \to 1 $
$b \to +\infty $
Using a computation, we can prove that


By multiplying
$A^{n}_{i,\eta ,b}$
$\Psi \in W_T$
and then integrating over
, we obtain

Now we are going to bound the last two terms of (3.32). To arrive at this, we need the following lemma.
Lemma 3.5 Let
$F \in L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )^{+}, w_{0} \in L^{1}(\Omega )^{+}$
. Then w the solution of (3.22) satisfies the following: there exists
$C=C\left (\int _{Q_{T}} F, \int _{\Omega } w_{0}\right )$
such that, for all nondecreasing
$\theta :(0,+\infty ) \rightarrow (0,+\infty )$
of class
$\mathcal {C}^{1}$
and with
$\theta \left (0^{+}\right )=0$

In particular,

Remark 3 The main restriction
discussed in the introduction appears in the above statement. The proof of Theorem 1 requires to control the
-norm of
$\nabla v_{i}^{n}$
on the level sets
$\left [v_{i}^{n} \leq b\right ]$
. This
-norm is not bounded if
$r_{i} \geq 2$
because of the degeneracy around the points where
. It is, however, valid for the large values of
. But this does not seem to be sufficient for the proof.
Proof of Lemma 3.5
As usual, we make the computations for regular enough solutions and they are preserved by approximation for all semigroup solutions.
Multiplying the equation
$\partial _{t} w-\Delta \varphi (w)=F$
$T_{b+1}(\theta (w))$
. We obtain

Let us set
$j_b(w)=\displaystyle \int _0^w T_{b+1}(\theta (s))ds $
, then
$\partial _t J_{b}(w)=\partial _t w T_{b+1}(\theta (w)).$
Integrating (3.35) over
, we obtain

Exploiting the increase in
$\theta $
$\varphi $
, we find that
$[\![T_{b+1}(\theta (w))]\!][\![\varphi (w)]\!] \geq 0$
. Since
$T_{b+1} \leq b+1$
, we have
$0\leq J_{b}(r) \leq (b+1) r$
for all
$r \geq 0$
so that

$\theta :=\varphi $
gives the first estimate of (3.34). If
in the expression of
$\varphi $
(2.1), we choose
$\theta (w):=w^{2-r_{i}}$
to obtain

and by substituting b for
, we get

which gives the second estimate of (3.34).
Thanks to the results of the previous lemma (Lemma 3.5), we are able to state the following results.
Lemma 3.6 There exist
$\delta>0, C \geq 0$
independent of n and
$\eta $
such that, for all
$i=1, \ldots , m$
and for all
$\Psi \in W_{T}$


$D(\Psi )=\|\Psi \|_{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )}+\|\nabla \Psi \|_{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )}$
Proof We have

the last inequality is obtained thanks to the positivity of
$\varphi _{i}^{\prime }, \Psi $
and conditions on
in (3.28). We can see that apart from
$ \left \lbrace (x,t) \in Q_T, v_{i}^{n} \leq b \, \ \eta V_{i}^{n} \leq b \right \rbrace $
$ T_{b}^{\prime }\left (v_{i}^{n}\right ) T_{b}^{\prime } \left (\eta V_{i}^{n}\right )=0$
To simplify notation, let us write
$ \left [v_{i}^{n} \leq b\right ] \cap \left [\eta V_{i}^{n} \leq b\right ] $
instead of
$ \left \lbrace (x,t) \in Q_T, v_{i}^{n} \leq b \, \ \eta V_{i}^{n} \leq b \right \rbrace $
. From this observation, it follows that

By the Schwarz inequality and conditions on
in (3.28), there exists a constant C depending on b, and we have the following result:

By Lemma 3.5, we obtain

$C(b)= b $
$D(\Psi )= \Vert \Psi \Vert _{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )} + \Vert \nabla \Psi \Vert _{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )}$
. This implies


for some
$\delta =M / 2$
, hence the result (3.36) of Lemma 3.6. To prove the second estimate of Lemma 3.6, we will proceed in several steps. We have

Let us put
$I_n= \eta \displaystyle \int _{Q_{T}}\Psi T_b(v_i^n)T^{\prime \prime }_b(\eta V_i^n) \Delta \varphi _j(v_j^n) $
$J_n= \eta \displaystyle \int _{Q_{T}}\Psi T_b(v_i^n) T^{\prime \prime }_b(\eta V_i^n) R_j^n(v^n)$
• Let us bound
$J_n$ . We have:
using the fact that
$-1 \leq T^{\prime \prime }_b(\sigma ) \leq 0$
$0 \leq T_b(\sigma ) \leq b$
for all
$\sigma \geq 0$
, and the bound
, we obtain

• Let us bound
$I_n$ . We have:


• Let us bound
$K_{n}$ .

$D=\max \limits _{j}\left \lbrace Dj \right \rbrace $
, we have used Lemma 3.1.

• Let us bound
$I_{2, n}$ .

By noticing that
$\left \lbrace \eta V_{i}^{n} \leq b \right \rbrace \subset \left \lbrace \eta v_{j}^{n} \leq b \right \rbrace $
and by Schwarz’s inequality, it follows that

$r_j< 2$
$D=\max \limits _{j} \left \lbrace D_j \right \rbrace $
$C(b,D) =C b^{1+ (r_{j}-r_{i})/2} \sqrt {D}$
$i,j=1,\ldots ,m, j\neq i$
, and we have used Lemma 3.5.
• Let us bound
$I_{3, n}$ . Using again Schwarz’s inequality, Lemma 3.5, and
$\left [\eta V_{i}^{n} \leq b\right ] \subset \left [\eta v_{j}^{n} \leq b\right ]$ , we obtain

$C(b,D)=C\sqrt {D}b^{1+\frac {r_j-M}{2}}$
$M=\max \limits _{j}\left \lbrace 1,\max \limits _{j}\left \lbrace r_j \right \rbrace \right \rbrace , j=1,\ldots ,m, \ j\neq i. $

$ \delta = 1-\frac {M}{2}, $
$ D(\Psi )= \Vert \Psi \Vert _{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )} + \Vert \nabla \Psi \Vert _{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )} $
By (3.39) and (3.44), we obtain the estimation (3.37) of Lemma 3.6.
This proves Lemma 3.6.
Now, thanks to Lemma 3.6, we have the following result.
Lemma 3.7 There exist
$\delta>0, C>0$
independent of n and
$\eta $
such that, for all
$i=1, \ldots $
, m and for all
$\Psi \in W_{T}$

$ A_{i, \eta , b}^{n}=\partial _{t}\left (T_{b}\left (v_{i}^{n}\right ) T_{b}^{\prime }\left (\eta V_{i}^{n}\right )\right )-\nabla \cdot \left (T_{b}^{\prime }\left (v_{i}^{n}\right ) T_{b}^{\prime }\left (\eta V_{i}^{n}\right ) \nabla \varphi _{i}\left (v_{i}^{n}\right )\right ), \quad V_{i}^{n}=\sum \limits _{j \neq i} v_{j}^{n} $
$D(\Psi )=\|\Psi \|_{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )}+\|\nabla \Psi \|_{L^{\infty }\left (Q_{T}\right )}$
Proof It is a direct consequence of formula (3.32) and of Lemmas 3.5 and 3.6 above. We can choose
$\delta = \min \left \lbrace \dfrac {M}{2}, 1- \dfrac {M}{2} \right \rbrace $
Note also that

Our aim now is to pass to the limit between (3.45) and (3.46). We do it in the following order: first
$n \rightarrow +\infty $
, then
$\eta \rightarrow 0$
, finally
$b \rightarrow +\infty $
• We make
$n \rightarrow +\infty $ along the subsequence introduced in Lemma 3.4 (
$\eta $ and b are fixed). Since
$v_{i 0}^{n} \rightarrow v_{i 0}$ in
$L^{1}(\Omega )$ and
$T_{b}, T_{b}^{\prime }$ are Lipschitz continuous, it follows that

and thanks to Lemmas 3.2 and 3.4, it follows that

Concerning the last integral in (3.46), since, for all
$j=1, \ldots , m, v_{j}^{n}$
converges in
$L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$
and a.e. to
, we have

where we set
$V_{i}:=\sum \limits _{j \neq i} v_{j}$
. It also follows that

$T_{b}^{\prime }\left (v_{i}^{n}\right ) \nabla \varphi \left (v_{i}^{n}\right )$
is bounded in
$L^{2}\left (Q_{T}\right )$
by (3.33) in Lemma 3.5. Therefore,

Indeed, let us set
$ S_{b}(r):=\displaystyle \int _{0}^{r} T_{b}^{\prime }(s) \varphi _{i}^{\prime }(s) d s$
, then
$ \nabla S_{b}\left (v_{i}^{n}\right )=T_{b}^{\prime }\left (v_{i}^{n}\right ) \nabla \varphi \left (v_{i}^{n}\right )$
. Since
$S_{b}\left (v_{i}^{n}\right )$
converges a.e. to
$S_{b}\left (v_{i}\right )$
and is bounded, the convergence holds in the sense of distributions. Therefore, the distribution limit of
$\nabla S_{b}\left (v_{i}^{n}\right )$
$\nabla S_{b}\left (v_{i}\right )=T_{b}^{\prime }\left (v_{i}\right ) \nabla \varphi _{i}\left (v_{i}\right )$
This ends the proof of the passing to the limit in (3.46).
Now we will go to the limit in the right-hand side of the inequality (3.45). Let us put

and show that
converges to W in
$L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$
. Since
outside the set
$\left [v_{i}^{n} \leq b\right ] \cup \left [V_{i}^{n} \leq b / \eta \right ]$
, if
$M: =\max \{b, b / \eta \}$
, then, from the definition of
$\epsilon _{M}^{n}$
in (3.3), the regularity property (2.2), and the fact that
$\left |T_{b}^{\prime }\right | \leq 1$
, we obtain

By assumption (see (3.4)), as
$n \rightarrow +\infty , \epsilon _{M}^{n}$
tends to 0 in
$L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$
. Moreover,
converges in
$L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )^{m}$
to v. Therefore, to prove the convergence of
$L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$
, it is sufficient to prove that it converges a.e. We know that, for all
$j, v_{j}^{n} \to v_{j}$
a.e. in
. Therefore, from the continuity of
$T^{\prime }_b$
, it follows that

It remains to check that

Let D be the subset of
such that, at the same time,
$v^{n}(t, x)$
converges to
$v(t, x)$
$\|v(t, x)\|<+\infty $
$\epsilon _{p}^{n}(t, x)$
converges to 0 for all positive integer p as
$n \rightarrow +\infty $
along the subsequence introduced in Lemma 3.4. We know that
$Q_{T}\setminus D$
is of zero Lebesgue measure. Now let
$(t, x) \in D$
and let
$p>\|v(t, x)\|$
. For n large enough,
$\left \|v^{n}(t, x)\right \|<p$
and we may write for all
$i=1, \ldots , m$
(using the definition de
$\epsilon _{p}^{n}$
(3.3) and property (2.2)):

The right-hand side of this inequality tends to 0 by definition of D.
According to the above analysis, we can pass to the limit as
$n \rightarrow +\infty $
in (3.45) and (3.46) and we obtain that

• Now we make
$\eta \rightarrow 0$ for b fixed in (3.49). Since
$R_{i}^{n}\left (v^{n}\right )$ converges a.e. to
$R_{i}(v)$ (see (3.47) and is bounded in
$L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$ , Fatou’s lemma implies that
$R_{i}(v) \in L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$ . We can observe that
$T_b^{\prime }(r)= \chi _{[0,b-1]}(r)$ . Therefore, by continuity of
$T_b^{\prime }$ (recall that
$T_b \in C^3 $ ), when
$\eta \rightarrow 0$ ,
$T_b^{\prime }\left (\eta V_i\right ) \rightarrow \chi _{[0,b-1]}(0):=1$ a.e. in
$Q_T$ and remains bounded by 1, then by dominated convergence and thanks to the positivity of
$\delta $ , we obtain

• Finally, we let
$b \rightarrow +\infty $ in this inequality (3.50). Then
$T_{b}\left (v_{i}\right )$ increases to
$v_{i}$ and
$T_{b}^{\prime }\left (v_{i}\right )$ increases to
$1, \nabla \varphi _{i}\left (v_{i}\right )$ is at least in
$L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$ (see (3.24) of Lemma 3.2 and
$R_{i}(v) \in L^{1}\left (Q_{T}\right )$ . Therefore, we easily pass to the limit in (3.50) to obtain

And this ends the proof of Theorem 2.
3.5 Global existence of weak solution
In this section, we finalize the proof of Theorem 1. We use the approximate system constructed earlier in Section 3.1. From Theorem 2, we already know that the limit v is a supersolution. In order to conclude the proof of Theorem 1, it is necessary to show that this supersolution is also a subsolution. To do this, we use the mass control structure property (2.6).
Proof of Theorem 1
By Theorem 2, up to subsequence, the approximate solution
of the system (3.2) converges to a weak supersolution. We will show using the property of the mass control structure (2.6) that the inverse inequality of (3.51) is satisfied for the sum of its m expressions, i.e.,

This will imply that equality holds in each of the inequalities (3.51).
First, we recall some convergence results obtained above in the previous subsection. When
$n \to + \infty $
, we have

Let us look again at the approximate system (3.2) and add up the m equations. We then obtain that, for all
$\Psi \in W_T$

For the right-hand side of (3.54), thanks to the hypothesis (2.6) on
, it follows that

By a.e. convergence of all function
$R_i, i=1,\ldots ,m$
(see 3.47), by
-convergence of
and by Fatou’s lemma, we have


Thus, by passing to the limit in equation (3.54) and using the convergence results (3.53), we arrive at the inequality (3.52). And, as explained above, this implies that the equality holds in (3.51), i.e.,

And finally, thanks to an integration from, we arrive at the following formulation: