Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
In his fundamental paper [3], Hurwitz showed that the order of a group of biholomorphic transformations of a compact Riemann surface S into itself is bounded above by 84(g – 1) when S has genus g ≧ 2. This bound on the group of automorphisms (as we shall call the biholomorphic self-transformations) is attained for Klein's quartic curve of genus 3 [4] and, from this, Macbeath [7] deduced that the Hurwitz bound is attained for infinitely many values of g.
After genus 3, the next smallest genus for which the bound is attained is the case g = 7. The equations of such a curve of genus 7 were determined by Macbeath [8] who also gave the equations of the transformations. The equations of these transformations were found by using the Lefschetz fixed point formula. If the number of fixed points of each element of a group of automorphisms is known, then the Lefschetz fixed point formula may be applied to deduce the character of the representation given by the group acting on the first homology group of the surface.